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Steps to install APSD in D365 PowerApps platform


  1. On the left hand menu, navigate to DataCustom Connectors

  2. Click on + NewOtherCustom connector.

  3. In the Connector Name field, type “APSR”.

  4. Toggle the Swagger Editor to ON, delete all the code and copy/paste the code from the APSR.json file.

  5. Toggle the Swagger Editor to OFF.

  6. Ensure you are in the General tab and then verify that the Host and Base URL point to the correct location for the environment you are in (refer to chart below).

  7. Click Create connector.

  8. Click on the Test tab, then + New connection.

  9. Enter the API Key (ask Le, Michelle for them) and click Create connection.

  10. Repeat steps 3-9 to create the SIAPI connector using the SIAPI.json file.
    **This API doesn’t require an API Key.

  11. Repeat steps 3-10 to create the SPAPI connector using the SPAPI.json file.

  12. Repeat steps 3-10 to create the MTAPI connector using the MTAPI.json file.

  13. Repeat steps 3-10 to create the TMAPI connector using the TMAPI.json file.

  14. For all 5 connectors, share them with the organization.

    • Click ...Invite another userShare with orgSave.

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    • You can also give edit rights to other developers here.


titleMicrosoft Bug: Cannot share custom connectors contained within a solution (Workaround - FAILED)

There is a bug with D365 that doesn’t allow sharing of custom connectors if they are included in a solution. Workaround:

  1. Go to DataTablesConnector table → Data tab.

  2. Select the connector and click on Edit Record.

  3. Click SHAREAdd User/Team → Select Team in the Look for dropdown.

  4. Check off the team that is named after the environment.

  5. Click SelectAdd.

  6. Ensure that they only have Read access (for other users, refer to chart below).

  7. Click Share.

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Import the solution

  1. Click on Solutions on the left-hand menu and then Import in the top menu bar.

  2. Select Browse and point to the zip file,, created in the export solution steps. "X" will be the current iteration number at the time of deployment.

  3. Click Next twice and create a new connection for both Outlook and Dataverse.

  4. For both connectors, select a predefined system account that is a System Administrator. This information needs to be handed over by the Exchange group, in the DEV environment we are using our own accounts.

  5. Click Import and wait for the process to finish.

  6. Click on Publish all customizations.

Update connectors in the Canvas app

  1. Go to edit the Service Request Canvas app.

  2. When prompted, select Don't Allow.

  3. Image Added

    Remove all 5 connections and Office365Users

  4. Image Added

    Add all of them back.

    Image Added
  5. Run the App Checker and ensure no errors are reported.

    Image Added
  6. Save and Publish the app.

Importing SCRAM task data

  1. Go to the environment that has the master set of data for the SCRAM tasks. Currently, this is QA.

  2. On the left menu, go to DataTables, then search for open the Scram Tasks table.

  3. On the top menu, click on DataExport data. Once the export has been successfully completed, click on Download exported data.

  4. Unzip the csv file.

  5. Switch to the environment you are deploying to.

  6. On the left menu, go to DataTables, then search for open the Scram Tasks table.

  7. On the top menu, click on Data> beside Get dataGet data from Excel.

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  8. Upload the csv file from step 4.

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27.   Select the csv file and click on Map Columns


28.   Map Code, Name English and Name French columns



  1. If there are any mapping issues, fix them.

    Image Added
  2. Click Import. Wait for the process to complete


  1. , then verify that the data was imported.

30.   Edit the Service Requests Canvas app

31.   When prompted select Don’t allow


32.   Remove all 5 connections and Office365User, too


33.   Add all of them back including Office365User, too


34.   Run App checker and make sure no errors are reported


35.   Save and publish the app

AP Task import


Steps to import AP Tasks:


  1. Prepare Excel with tasks in the following format





2. Navigate to the

AP Tasks table in target environment and select Get Data as shown below:





3. Click on “Get data from Excel” and the following screen should open. Choose the excel file that was prepared in step 1 and click import.







Importing AP task data 

  1. Follow the same steps for Importing SCRAM task data using the AP Task table instead.



 For timesheet notifications, approval and


importing all users


Flow for Timesheet Approval Notifications


Name: Flow - TimeSheetNotifications
