APSD Deployment Guide

APSD Deployment Guide

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Recommend having the owner of each custom connector delete them in the environment before resetting. In order to do this, will need to delete the flows, canvas app, & any other dependencies.

  1. Go to the Power Platform admin center.

  2. Select the environment you wish to reset.

  3. Click on Reset in the top menu bar.

  4. Ensure that the Name and URL are correct (this is the time to change it if required).

  5. Change the Currency to CAD ($).

  6. Click Reset. It will take 15-20 minutes for the refresh to finish.

  7. Once complete, click on the environment name to view its details.

  8. Click on Edit in the top right corner of the Details section.

  9. Ensure that Administration mode is disabled (otherwise, only system admins will have access).

  10. Grant system administrator access to other developers as needed (see next section).

  1. Go to Power Platform admin center and select the desired environment.

  2. In the Access section, click See all under Security roles.

  3. Scroll down to desired role and click on it.

  4. Click + Add people, search for the user then click Add.

App Registration

Must be added as an application user in the PowerApps environment in order to access NAPA API (security controls). Also required for pipelines and as a service principal account in APSD (Dataverse connection).


Used as a security group for the Canvas app as well as for the SharePoint translation list.

Key vault

Used for NAPA-SNAPA API secrets and MTOA JWT token.

If a new security role needs to be created, open an existing role and select Copy Role.

Below are the steps to install APSD-PAPS in D365 PowerApps platform.

Setting up a new environment may take up to an hour.

Setting Up a New Environment

When setting up a brand new environment, there are a few additional steps that must be done other than simply importing the solution. The NAPA-SNAPA custom connector must be created (as there is currently a bug that doesn’t allow it to be migrated with the solution due to the OAuth secrets) and all lookup data must be imported.

Migrating Changes Between Existing Environments

Data will not be migrated between environments through the solution. You will need to perform data migration separately following the steps below.

Importing/Migrating Data

When setting up a new environment, all lookup data must be brought into the environment. This can be done either through creating a dataflow to migrate data between environments or by importing the data from an Excel spreadsheet.


Always use the existing connection references inside the APSD-PAPS Flows solution for each flow. If the connection reference for the connection doesn’t exist, create a new one inside the solution first. The connection reference should be connected to the generic account connections.



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