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Steps to install APSD in D365 PowerApps platform |
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Solution Import Order Must be followed or else will break dependencies APSD-PAPS Env Variables > APSD-PAPS Custom Connectors > APSD > APSD-PAPS Flows Env Variables & Custom Connectors solutions only have to be imported if there are changes. |
Click on Solutions on the left-hand menu and then Import in the top menu bar. Select Browse and point to the zip file, e.g. , created in the export solution steps. "X" will be the current iteration number at the time of deployment. New environments: Make sure the CivAv Service Principal Dataverse connection has been created (see steps above). Click Next twice and create a new connection for Outlook and select the CivAv Service Principal connection for Dataverse. For both connectors, select a predefined system account that is a System Administrator. This information needs to be handed over by the Exchange group, in the DEV environment we are using our own accounts.
Click Import and wait for the process to finish. Import the rest of the solutions as needed. Click on Publish all customizations .
If importing the APSD Custom Connectors solution: Edit the URL of each custom connector to point to the right environment. No longer required
Even if there are no edits to make, you must still click on Update Connector for it to connect properly.
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title | Update connectors and dropdowns in the Canvas app - NO LONGER REQUIRED |
* Does not seem to be necessary anymore now that the custom connectors are inside solutions. May still need to be done for the other built-in data connections (SharePoint, Office365) on first import. Edit the APSD-PAPS Canvas app. When prompted, select Don't Allow . Remove all connections that are showing as not connected - 5 connections (APSR, MTAPI, SIAPI, SPAPI, TMAPI), Office365Users and APSD_Translations. Add all of them back. Image RemovedImage AddedSharePoint data connector: for APSD_Translation file. In the box enter the following URL: Image RemovedImage AddedCheck off the APSD_Translations list & click Connect . Image RemovedImage AddedRun the App Checker and ensure no errors are reported. Turn on “Allow searching” in the properties for the following elements: New Service Request Step One Screen - cboNapaProject element
New Service Request Step Three Contact Info Screen - cboFindOrganizationAlt element Service Request Review Screen - ddSRRChangeReAssignment element
New Invoice Step One Screen - cboInvoiceCustomer and cboCustomerAddress elements
Weekly Time Entry Normalized Screen - cmbProject
Save and Publish the app.
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title | Importing SCRAM task data |
Go to the environment that has the master set of data for the SCRAM tasks. Currently, this is QA. On the left menu, go to Data → Tables , then open the Scram Tasks table. On the top menu, click on Data → Export data . Once the export has been successfully completed, click on Download exported data . Unzip the csv file. Switch to the environment you are deploying to. On the left menu, go to Data → Tables , then open the Scram Tasks table. On the top menu, click on Data → > beside Get data → Get data from Excel . Upload the csv file from step 4. If there are any mapping issues, fix them. Click Import . Wait for the process to complete, then verify that the data was imported.
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title | Importing AP task data |
Follow the same steps for Importing SCRAM task data using the AP Task table instead. |
The service principal account should be used for all connections to the DataVerse.