Targeted Environments
Release Notes (2022-04-08)
Updated the MTAO prod api/jwt keys. This change only impacts the MTO Admin console and has no impacts on any services that are integrated with the platform. The admin console impact will be address by the platform team.
Change the SystemError and SystemAdmin emails distribution list to use the following new mailboxes
Testing Environments:
Email Address:
Displayed name in the address book: myTCAccount Support Testing / compte MonTC Support Test
Email Address:
Displayed name in the address book: myTCAccount Support Production / compte MonTC SupportEnvironments:
Production Environments:
Release Notes (2022-04-05)
PBI #11946 - MTAPI - Drop Status Code from Service Request and Create Status Log Entry
Column REQUEST_STATUS_CD will be dropped from table YY201_SERVICE_REQUEST.TASK #12568 - Change GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/info-by-name api to return the highest version service artifact.
Retrieving the most recent service request status
Added new property called AssignmentDate to the ServiceRequestUserAssignment business object
PBI #12072 - MTAPI - Provide the ability to get a list of user assignments within a list of Service Requests
The following endpoints were impacted by this change:
GET /api/v1/servicerequests
GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}
GET /api/v1/services/{id}/servicerequests
GET /api/v1/users/{id}/servicerequests
POST /api/v1/servicerequests/query
PBI #12780 - Accelerated Forms - Search Features in Front end - Sprint 53 - MTAPI end-point v1/servicerequests/search-metadata/
PBI #12071 - MTAPI - Provide the ability to retrieve all the Service Requests for a given assignee
Implemented functionality to retrieve all the Service Requests for a given assigneePBI #12073 - MTAPI - The retrieved ServiceRequestUserAssignment data should contain the Date the user assignment occurred
TASK #13714 - Implement the performance enhancement to the list-of-provinces endpoint
Change the back-end to query the provinces list from the TC016_CANADIAN_PROVINCE table and manually set the county code to 124
BUG #13142 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/info returns and oldest to newest list.
BUG #13042 - MTAPI - Need consistency for date & time format
BUG #13090 - MTAPI - ServiceArtifacts DateCreated and DateLastUpdated Post and Get formats need to be consistent
BUG #7971 - MTAPI - POST /api/v1/servicerequests - SR created with last bound org by default
BUG #9915 - Prod - GET /api/v1/account/enrollments returns an error for user & org in service 42 using ZEV-RR key
BUG #12711 - AF - Metadata-definitions that are deleted in the SQL db are returned with metadata GET's
BUG #12324 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/audit-history returns incorrect/inconsistent date and time formats.
BUG #12041 - Platform-test GET /api/v1/services/{id}/service-standards service status Id's are not returned in order for CRSM services
BUG #13025 - MTAPI - user automatically enrolled to service 8
BUG #9965 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/file-attachments - file ids are not sorted
BUG #10851 - CRSM -Service Request History is returning system users for previous iteration service requests
BUG #10702 - Platform test POST /api/v1/account/initiate-recovery returns a 400 and mtapistatus -1
BUG #12309 - MTAPI - a PUT /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex after Post /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/updatestatus with revisedUpdateDateUtc doesn't return the updated status in the response json
BUG #12278 - MTAPI - Updating an anonymous users email with a duplicate email address fails with a response code 620010
BUG #12688 - MTAPI - Query assignees returns service requests with with the same UserId that have no assignees
BUG #12691 - MTAPI - ServiceId filtering is not working with Assignee Query filtering.
BUG #12584 - MTAPI - POST /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/updatestatus Returns the incorrect time.
BUG #12500 - MTAPI - Get /api/v1/servicerequests/{{ServiceRequestId}}/status-history returns the wrong date/time for a Put /api/v1/servicerequests? After a POST /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/updatestatus with revisedUpdateDateUtc
BUG #11549 - MTAPI - POST /api/v1/notification-template - not working when application_id column is mandatory
BUG #12637 - ZEV - Investigate and resolve reporting issue where some SRs are missing status log entries
BUG #12041 - Platform-test GET /api/v1/services/{id}/service-standards service status Id's are not returned in order for CRSM services
BUG #12798 - MTAPI - some PFTR services appear under MTOA
BUG #12351 - MTAPI - Post Assignment and later another assignment returns the same first assignment date and time
BUG #12310 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/app/servicerequests returns error when excludeMetadata = true
BUG #11683 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/country-subdivisions - missing data & filtering negative codes
BUG #13375 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/services/{id}/servicerequests throwing errors while retrieving SRs with soft-deleted client service ids
Bug #13997: MTAPI - GET /api/v1/services/{id}/servicerequests - throwing error when providing page param only
Breaking change