Targeted Environments
PBI #12812 - MTOA DB - Log the last time a user accessed the platform
Requested by the ATIP team, they need to log the date and time of a user's last activity in the platform database to determine their data retention. If a user has not access the platform in over 10 years, their service request information may be archived and removed from the database.
PBI #11946 - MTAPI - Drop Status Code from Service Request and Create Status Log Entry
Column REQUEST_STATUS_CD will be dropped from table YY201_SERVICE_REQUEST.TASK #12568 - Change GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/info-by-name api to return the highest version service artifact.
Retrieving the most recent service request status
Added new property called AssignmentDate to the ServiceRequestUserAssignment business object
PBI #12072 - MTAPI - Provide the ability to get a list of user assignments within a list of Service Requests
The following endpoints were impacted by this change:
GET /api/v1/servicerequests
GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}
GET /api/v1/services/{id}/servicerequests
GET /api/v1/users/{id}/servicerequests
POST /api/v1/servicerequests/query
PBI #12780 - Accelerated Forms - Search Features in Front end - Sprint 53 - MTAPI end-point v1/servicerequests/search-metadata/
PBI #12071 - MTAPI - Provide the ability to retrieve all the Service Requests for a given assignee
Implemented functionality to retrieve all the Service Requests for a given assigneePBI #12073 - MTAPI - The retrieved ServiceRequestUserAssignment data should contain the Date the user assignment occurred
TASK #13714 - Implement the performance enhancement to the list-of-provinces endpoint
Change the back-end to query the provinces list from the TC016_CANADIAN_PROVINCE table and manually set the county code to 124
BUG #13142 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/info returns and oldest to newest list.
BUG #13042 - MTAPI - Need consistency for date & time format
BUG #13090 - MTAPI - ServiceArtifacts DateCreated and DateLastUpdated Post and Get formats need to be consistent
BUG #7971 - MTAPI - POST /api/v1/servicerequests - SR created with last bound org by default
BUG #9915 - Prod - GET /api/v1/account/enrollments returns an error for user & org in service 42 using ZEV-RR key
BUG #12711 - AF - Metadata-definitions that are deleted in the SQL db are returned with metadata GET's
BUG #12324 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/audit-history returns incorrect/inconsistent date and time formats.
BUG #12041 - Platform-test GET /api/v1/services/{id}/service-standards service status Id's are not returned in order for CRSM services
BUG #13025 - MTAPI - user automatically enrolled to service 8
BUG #9965 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/file-attachments - file ids are not sorted
BUG #10851 - CRSM -Service Request History is returning system users for previous iteration service requests
BUG #10702 - Platform test POST /api/v1/account/initiate-recovery returns a 400 and mtapistatus -1
BUG #12309 - MTAPI - a PUT /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex after Post /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/updatestatus with revisedUpdateDateUtc doesn't return the updated status in the response json
BUG #12278 - MTAPI - Updating an anonymous users email with a duplicate email address fails with a response code 620010
BUG #12688 - MTAPI - Query assignees returns service requests with with the same UserId that have no assignees
BUG #12691 - MTAPI - ServiceId filtering is not working with Assignee Query filtering.
BUG #12584 - MTAPI - POST /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/updatestatus Returns the incorrect time.
BUG #12500 - MTAPI - Get /api/v1/servicerequests/{{ServiceRequestId}}/status-history returns the wrong date/time for a Put /api/v1/servicerequests? After a POST /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/updatestatus with revisedUpdateDateUtc
BUG #11549 - MTAPI - POST /api/v1/notification-template - not working when application_id column is mandatory
BUG #12637 - ZEV - Investigate and resolve reporting issue where some SRs are missing status log entries
BUG #12041 - Platform-test GET /api/v1/services/{id}/service-standards service status Id's are not returned in order for CRSM services
BUG #12798 - MTAPI - some PFTR services appear under MTOA
BUG #12351 - MTAPI - Post Assignment and later another assignment returns the same first assignment date and time
BUG #12310 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/app/servicerequests returns error when excludeMetadata = true
BUG #11683 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/country-subdivisions - missing data & filtering negative codes
BUG #13375 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/services/{id}/servicerequests throwing errors while retrieving SRs with soft-deleted client service ids
Breaking change