Targeted Environments
SMGS# ticket: TBD
PROD Release: TBD
Release Notes 453 (2022-06-2229)
BUG #13914 MTAPI - Service Artifact Endpoint: GetArtifactsByServiceId queries data it doesn't use
PBI #13558
New Admin Console (API) - New NoticesChanged or created to implement the new fields display date time and notice types.
Changed or created to be able to retrieve notices on service websites
New endpointsTASK #13608 GET /api/v2/notices
TASK #13601 POST /api/v2/notices - (Add a notice user id for last update user id/user created id , display date time, notice type are required)
TASK 13600 PUT /api/v2/notices - (update a notice. user id for last update user id is required)
TASK #13599 DELETE /api/v2/notices/{id} - (delete a notice by notice id. user id for last update user id is required)
TASK #13603 GET /api/v2/services/{serviceIds}/notices (Retrieve notices by more than one service id. noticeTypeCd parameter is optional)
TASK #13604 GET /api/v2/users/{id}/notices (Retrieve upcoming notices by user id onlyApplicableNotices parameter is optional)
TASK #13832 GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/expirednotices (Retrieve expired notices by user id with paging)
TASK #13551 GET /api/v1/notices/types - (this will return list of notice types)
TASK 13602 GET /api/v1/notices/{id} (Get a notice by notice id)
Changed to return notice type and display date time in addition to the previous notice attributes
Changed to support backward-compatibility
This will return only information and warning notices
GET /api/v1/outage-notices
GET /api/v1/notices
This will add a notice as information notice
POST /api/v1/outage-notices
POST /api/v1/notices
This will update a notice as information notice
PUT /api/v1/outage-notices
PUT /api/v1/notices
Delete a notice without user id
DELETE /api/v1/outage-notices/{id}
DELETE /api/v1/notices/{id}
This will return only information and warning notices by service id
GET /api/v1/services/{id}/outage-notices
GET /api/v1/services/{id}/notices
This will return only information and warning notices by user id
GET /api/v1/users/{id}/outage-notices
GET /api/v1/users/{id}/notices
Breaking change
MTOA NuGet packages Draft Release Notes
Version # (2022-02-02)
MTOA Database – Release Note for Version v3.1.0