Phase: Discovery
Summary: Participants break down a user’s experience with a product into steps and themesSuggestion: Common to run workshop as part of a combined Empathy and User Journey Mapping workshopcreate fictitious characters representing key characteristics of user group
What is a User
Persona workshop?
User journey mapping is a popular design workshop technique to break down how a user experiences a product into a sequence of steps and themes. A user journey map is essentially a large table with two primary axes. The horizontal axis represents steps the user takes over time, and the vertical axis represents different thematic experiences the user encounters while using the product.There are two types of user journey maps that can be created during a workshop. The first type is a retrospective map that outlines the steps users currently take while using the product (often based on research findings). The second is a prospective map to examine how you think users will act with a new product ideapersonas are fictitious characters who represent specific key characteristics of a user group. In a user persona workshop, participants gather to create user personas to gain an understanding of different user types. Ideally, user personas should be based on research data (e.g. user interviews, field studies). If research data is not available, “proto-personas” can be created based on assumptions the team has about users. User persona workshops commonly run for about one hour.
When to use a User
Persona workshop
User journey mapping workshops generally take place at the beginning of the design process and after the completion of some user research. It can provide a good starting-off point for the first few weeks of discovery and exploration.
It is important to note that if the map is to be based on assumptions the team is making about user behaviour rather than actual user data, it should be considered a hypothesis to be tested against data collected during future user research.
Benefits and frustrations
Shift team and stakeholder mindset from features-first to a user and journey-centric process
Establish focus on customer needs
Help team members create a connection with users
Create alignment around common goals and product vision
Identify potential product opportunities
Difficulty defining journey map process, scope and standardization
Creating user personas are generally the first step of any product development team after some user research has been completed.
Benefits and pitfalls
Team members gain a better understanding user types, context, problems, and motivations
“Proto-personas” can be used as a hypothesis to compare with future user data
Can be used as justification for poor product decisions
Traits captured may be aspirational vs what real users want and need as a result of the persona’s fictional nature and creation at the beginning of product development cycle
User journey mapping workshops are generally conducted in an informal manner to create an environment to support brainstorming among participants.