Programs (e.g. Delve, MAXQDA, and Dedoose) can be used to “code” data with keywords to help with data organization, pattern recognition, and team collaboration.
Doody, Sarah. “Starter Questions for User Research.”
https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/harvarduxgroup/files/ux-research-guide-sample-questions-for-user-interviews.pdf. Retrieved 8 Nov. 2021.
Walter, Stephanie. “A Cheatsheet for User Interview and Follow Up Questions.” Stephanie Walter,
Additional Resources
“How to analyse user interviews?” UX Planet, 24 Sept, 2019,
Margolis, Michael. “Get better data from user studies: 16 interviewing tips.” GV Library, 7 Mar. 2012, https://library.gv.com/get-better-data-from-user-studies-16-interviewing-tips-328d305c3e37.