Create a .net Console Application Add WSE3.0 via Nuget Create WS client stub via “Add Service Reference”
Run mmc.exe and add certificates snap-in to import certificates/key-pair Add certificate snap-in, and make sure “Computer account” is chosen.
Import mpdis.cer(attached) to “Trusted People” Path : \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\Software Library\Developer Tools\DotNet DAPLS WS Client
Import dapls.12(attached) to “Personal” Path : \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\Software Library\Developer Tools\DotNet DAPLS WS Client You will be asked for the password, enter dapls
Install winhttpcertcfg from Run the following command to allow the user who runs the application to access the installed private key( installed at step c) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"\winhttpcertcfg.exe -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\My -s dapls -a "MachineName\\Username"
(Make sure to change the username in REDto your environment) |