myTC Account documentation now available through TC confluence : https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MA
Targeted Environments
Version 1.6.0 - SMGS# ticket: C242682
- PROD Release
Release Notes 1.6.0
New Business System APIs
GET /api/v1/business-systems/{id} - Retrieves the business system for a given stakeholder
PUT /api/v1/business-systems - Stores the business system using Business System DTO object
Service New api GET /api/v2/users/{id}/services - Get only services where the user is active.
New api GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/audit-history - Retrieve the audit history of a service request for a given service request Id.
New api POST /api/v1/services/deactivate-user - Set a future deactivation of a user from a given service.
Service Artifacts
This release contains a new set of APIs for adding, updating, retrieving, and deleting Service Artifacts which are JSON-based form contents for Accelerated Forms. Service Artifacts are stored in the TC219_SERVICE_ARTIFACT table. Each Service Artifact has a service ID, alias name, version, and the content of the form in JSON.
Renamed the OutageNotice to Notice
Old APIs
New APIs
Addressed an issue when an API call is made for a user and service enrolled in a organization where business system information does not exist in database. Fix Renamed GET /api/v1/services/{id}/outage-notices to GET /api/v1/services/{id}/notices
Renamed GET /api/v1/users/{id}/outage-notices to GET /api/v1/users/{id}/organizations for a given user and service.Oracle Library Upgrade to version 19.11.0notices
Made changes to some apis to maintain correct audits by using current user instead of the system user.
Added Regulated Entities to Service Request data - All APIs that retrieve a list of Service Requests should have a new optional parameter "IncludeRegulatedEntities" which would add all the RegulatedEntities related to that Service Request.
Impacted Endpoints
Code Block [GET] v1/servicerequests/{serviceRequestId} [GET] v1/users/{userId}/servicerequests [GET] v1/services/{serviceId}/servicerequests [GET] v1/app/servicerequests [GET] v1/tempservicerequests/{serviceRequestId} ?????? [GET] v1/servicerequests?guid={guid} [GET] v1/servicerequests/query [PUT] v1/servicerequests
Impacted APIs
Code Block Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> Get<T>(int userId) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> Get<T>(int userId, int page, int pageSize) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> Get<T>(int userId, int serviceId) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> Get<T>(int userId, int serviceId, int page, int pageSize) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceId<T>(int serviceId) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceId<T>(int serviceId, int organizationId) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceId<T>(int serviceId, int page, int pageSize) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceId<T>(int serviceId, int organizationId, int page, int pageSize) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServices<T>(ICollection<int> serviceIds, int page, int pageSizes) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceIdFilteredByUser<T>(int serviceId, int userId) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceIdFilteredByUser<T>(int serviceId, int organizationId, int userId) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceIdFilteredByUser<T>(int serviceId, int userId, int page, int pageSize) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> GetByServiceIdFilteredByUser<T>(int serviceId, int organizationId, int userId, int page, int pageSize) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ServiceRequest> GetById<T>(int serviceRequestId) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ICollection<ServiceRequest>> ExecuteQuery<T>(ServiceRequestQuery serviceRequestQuery) where T : IServiceRequestMetadata; Task<ServiceRequest> Update(BaseServiceRequest serviceRequest);
Hide the validator link in the swagger page of the MTAPI
Changes to the FileAttachmentsController to include MTAPI Statuses along with exceptions from this controller
Enabled logging into the MTOA database
Made changes to Service Request end-points to include MTAPI Statuses along with exceptions thrown from each end-point. MTAPI status codes used in service request controller are documented on MTAPI Response Codes page on confluence.
Added support for JWT-SECRET encryption
MS Power App interop
Customized the response type for the PUT v1/servicerequests to ensure ServiceRequestDTO object is returned
Customized the response type for the POST v2/servicerequest to ensure ServiceRequestCreationResult object is returned
Added more restrictions to only enable MTOA key to retrieve all service preferences
Exceptions with MTAPI statuses in EmailNotificationController's end-points to ensure proper handling of the exception. In the case of AuthorizationException, to match http status code 403 (Forbidden) now MTAPI status code "Forbidden" is being passed in response
Added support for JWT tokens about to expire email notifications and addressed code issue that prevented emails from being sent
Added security check for GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/status-history to only allow service to retrieve its related status history
Added security for the GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/auditstatus-history- Retrieve the audit history of a service request for a given service request Id.New api GET v2ex to only allow service to retrieve its related status history
Add security check for GET /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history to only allow service to retrieve its related status history.
Addressed security issue of the update status-history-ex api
Addressed security issue of PUT /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex api
Resolved an issue with AllowUserAndService
Implemented new method to get service request by history entry id : GetServiceRequestIdByHistoryEntryId
Added security check to the api end point GET v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex to ensure secure retrieval of the SR status history by GUID
Addressed an issue when an API call is made for a user and service enrolled in a organization where business system information does not exist in database. Fixed api/v1/users/{id}/services - returns only services where the user is active with its associated permissions.organizations for a given user and service.
Oracle Library Upgrade to version 19.11.0
BUG 8825: GET /api/v1/organizations - duplicate orgs returned when associated with multiple services
Bug #8743: GET /api/v1/permissions/{permissionId}/services/{serviceId}/users/{userId} - need to change responses for various permutations
Bug #8733: GET /api/v1/services/{id}/organizations - orgs not sorted
Bug #8327: GET /servicerequests/{id}/invoices - invoices not sorted by Id
Bug #8723: GET /api/v1/users/{id}/organizations - orgs not sorted
Bug #8902: POST /api/v1/outage-notices - outage notices can be created when start time = end time
Bug #8705: GET /api/v1/servicerequests/statuses - items not sorted
Bug #8667: POST /api/v1/file-attachments - some edge cases return 500
Bug #8342: GET /api/v1/notification-template - templates not sorted
Bug #8734: GET /api/v1/services/{id}/activities - activities not sorted
Bug #8359: PUT /api/v1/artifacts/{id} - response should throw an error message when serviceRequestId is invalid
Bug #8344: GET /api/v1/account/enrollments - enrollments not sorted
Bug #8244: DELETE /outage-notices/{id} - a typo in error message/response body
Bug #8219: POST /api/v1/account/initiate-recovery - should check for existing mbuns
Bug #8703: GET /api/v1/organizations/{id}/users - users not sorted
Bug #9109: POST /api/v1/servicerequests/query - returns SRs when the filter containing invalid PlaceOfSupply and/or Status
Bug #8099: GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/user-assignments - should be sorted by UA Id ascendingly
Bug #7986: GET /api/v1/account/enrollments returns 200 if using SVMMS key to retrieve RTMR user enrollments
Bug #8933: QA Test- Date and Time Put updates are not reapplied to the Service Request.
Bug #9091: CRSM SR successive status updates cause a collision and throws an error.
Bug #9532: CRSM -A system user is returned after a status update and Get /api/v1/servicerequests/{{Id}}/status-history-ex
Bug #9479: QA Test -Notices don't allow users to make edit changes after the start date/time, prior to the end date/time
Bug #6310: Outage notice can be created or updated without Service ID using POST and PUT call
Bug #9697: Portal - updating phone or email of external user with address coordinate causing 503
Bug #9621: MTOA Portal - ACC/PROD - under "My Services" enrolled services should be grouped if IsLogicalGrouping property is set to false
Bug #9903: QA Platform test - a Put after new CRSM 236 SR Post throws a 400 and db related errors
Bug #9931: QA Platform test - GET /api/v1/servicerequests displays 236 service requests as ServiceStandardId "0"
Bug #9713: GET /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex - extended history of RTMR SR can be retrieved using SVMMS key
Bug #9714: PUT /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex - extended history of RTMR SR can be retrieved using SVMMS key
Bug #10014: QA Platform test - Service 239 Put's can be added into a 263 Service Request
Bug #10019: QA Platform Test - Get Service 230 status history for Activity Planned and and Updated returns nulls for ServiceCategoryCode and ServiceStandardId
Hide the validator link in the swagger page of the MTAPI
Changes to the FileAttachmentsController to include MTAPI Statuses along with exceptions from this controller.
Enabled logging into the MTOA database
Added support for JWT-SECRET encryption
MS Power App interop
Customized the response type for the PUT v1/servicerequests to ensure ServiceRequestDTO object is returned
Customized the response type for the POST v2/servicerequest to ensure ServiceRequestCreationResult object is returned
Added more restrictions to only enable MTOA key to retrieve all service preferences
Exceptions with MTAPI statuses in EmailNotificationController's end-points to ensure proper handling of the exception. In the case of AuthorizationException, to match http status code 403 (Forbidden) now MTAPI status code "Forbidden" is being passed in response
Added support for JWT tokens about to expire email notifications and addressed code issue that prevented emails from being sent
Added security check for GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/status-history to only allow service to retrieve its related status history
Added security for the GET /api/v1/servicerequests/{id}/status-history-ex to only allow service to retrieve its related status history
Add security check for GET /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history to only allow service to retrieve its related status history.
Addressed security issue of the update status-history-ex api
Addressed security issue of PUT /api/v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex api
Resolved an issue with AllowUserAndService
Implemented new method to get service request by history entry id : GetServiceRequestIdByHistoryEntryId
Added security check to the api end point GET v1/servicerequests/status-history-ex to ensure secure retrieval of the SR status history by GUID.
Documentation Updates
MTAPI-SRQL Language Specifications
MTOA NuGet packages Release Notes
PBI 10063: MTAPI - CRSM/MITRACK - Extend Service Request Queries”
PBI 9306: BusinessSystem API related changes
PBI 9568, 9309: Activate / De-ativate Users
PBI 10061: MTAPI - CRSM/MITRACK - Improve Support for Audit
NOTE = The actual back-end implement is still ongoing in our current sprint (47).
NuGet Package Breaking change
Outage Notices API signature have changed - might introduce some compile issues.
MTOA Database – Release Note for Version (v1.14)
Table | Column | Comments |
OUTAGE_STOP_DTE | Column renamed to NOTICE_STOP_DTE | |
Data Changes
All reference to Outage Notice in the Permission and Service Permission tables are updated to Notice.
MTOA Database – Release Note for Version (v1.16)
Table | Comments |
WC204_STAKEHOLDER_HISTORY | New table that will eventually replace AC203_STAKEHOLDER_HISTORY and will store Stakeholder audit history details. Note the database triggers will be released in the next version. |
WC205_SERVICE_REQUEST_HISTORY | New table that will eventually replace AC203_STAKEHOLDER_HISTORY and will store Service Request audit history details. Note the database triggers will be released in the next version. |
Data Changes
No data change in this release.