myTCAccount documentation now available through TC confluence :
PBI #8473 - A Prod issue updating an external email address
PBI #8498 - ZEV ACC - Not able to retrieve organizations
PBI #8375 - Service Request Details - Implement Support for Requestor Organization
Implement Support for Requestor Organization. Add RequesterOrganizationId property property in BaseServiceRequest class
PBI #8318 - Implement Support for Cargo Regulated Entities
GET v1/regulated-entities/: Gets a collection regulated entity ids for a specified service request.
POST v1/regulated-entities/: Adds a collection regulated entity ids for a specified service request.
PUT v1/regulated-entities/:Updates a collection regulated entity ids for a specified service request.
PBI #8306 - Email Notifications Active Monitoring Solution Analysis
GET v1/unsent_notifications: Checks for unsent email and send notification if needed
PBI #8517 - Improve Support for Encrypted MTOA Credentials in Production
PBI #8370 - Get /api/v1/servicrequests excludeMetadata returns SR's with meta data
PBI #8280 - MTAPI - Email Notification Enhancements
PBI #7948 - GET /organizations/{id}/users doesn't return internal users bound to that org
PBI #8095 - Internal users should be prevented from being associated with organizations
PBI #7947 - GET /services/{id}/organizations and GET /users/{id}/organizations only retrieve one org per user (Is this fixed ?)
PBI #8510 - PUT /api/v1/regulated-entities - should throw an error when updating a RE not existing
PBI #8513 - GET /api/v1/regulated-entities - should return 403 when retrieving RE for a RTMR SR using SVMMS key
PBI #8241 - GET /api/v1/services/invites - received an object with a wrong type
PBI #8202 - GET /provinces/{code} & /countrySubdivisions/{code} - correct status code and error message
PBI #8335 - service request filtering needs to be enhanced to filter updated dates and time with service request id's
PBI #6823 - POST /api/v1/notifications returns inconsistent results (emails not always sent)