Status codes provide extra information when a request is made to the MTAPI. The response code will be provided when a request has been successfully completed.
Response codes
Response code can be categorized as follows:
200s to 500s – one to one as in HTTP status codes
MTAPI statuses start from 601K
Using 601000 as starting number provides us an opportunity to prefix some errors like “ServiceRequestNotFound = 4041001”
Generic reusable MTAPI statuses are in 901000-902999 range
Successful response code
MTAPI end-points should return “OK” (http status 200) result.
Finding MTAPI Status Codes on a Swagger page
On a Swagger page, one or more MTAPI status codes can be viewed in "Response Headers" section, similar to shown below:
Response Headers
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"content-length": "123",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"date": "Tue, 20 Apr 2021 11:28:03 GMT",
"expires": "-1",
"mtapistatus": "-1",
"pragma": "no-cache",
"server": "Microsoft-IIS/8.5",
"x-aspnet-version": "4.0.30319",
"x-powered-by": "ASP.NET"
In above case "mtapistatus": "-1", represents “NotSet”. MTAPI statuses are relatively new and not all end-point current set MTAPI status. To find which controllers currently set one or more MTAPI status, see section “MTAPI Controllers with MTAPI Status Codes“.
Warning/Error codes
There are no warnings. It is up to the clients how to use MTAPI statuses, For errors, in general, MTAPI end-point returns “BadRequest” (http status 400) result. In some cases (for example authorization failure) MTAPI throws specific exception (for example, AuthorizationExeption 401). Current MTAPI-client-api though considers all exceptions as MtoaException. Regardless of the success or failure of the call, MTAPI-Status-Codes can be accessed and used as follows:
If MTAPI end-point is consumed directly through a REST call then the caller can use HTTP response header value of “MtapiStatus“, which is a comma separated MTAPI Status Code, described in the following sections.
If MTAPI end-point is consumed through MTAPI-Client-API then MTAPI-Status-Codes and HTTP-Status of the most recent call, can be accessed through “LastMtapiStatusCodes“ and “LastHttpStatusCode“ properties of the most of the clients under “MTOA.Web.Service.Client“ namespace.
MTAPI Controllers with MTAPI Status Codes
At present, only the following controllers have been changed. Other controllers that are not listed here may not return MTAPI Statuses:
Generic/Reusable “Not Found” Statuses - prefixed with 404 (4041000-404nnnn)
ServiceRequestNotFound = 4041001
4041001 is a generic MTAPI status used in more than one controller. 4041001 is returned when an end-point expects a valid Service Request identifier, however the passed identifier cannot find any Service Request.FileAttachmentNotFound = 4041002
4041002 is a generic MTAPI status used in more than one controller. 4041002 is returned when an end-point expects a valid file attachment identifier, however the passed identifier cannot find any matching file attachment.ServiceRequestNotFound = 4041001, // not found errors starts with 404 followed by 4 digit code 1001, leaving an opportunity use sub status codes below 1000
UserNotFound = 4041003, // not found errors starts with 404 followed by 4 digit code
ServiceNotFound = 4041004, // not found errors starts with 404 followed by 4 digit code
ServiceSettingNotFound = 4041005
ServicePreferenceNotFound = 4041006
ClientServiceNotFound = 4041007
OrganizationNoFound = 4041008
ArtifactNoFound = 4041009
ServiceRequestIdNotFound = 4041010
DocumentNotFound = 4041011
Generic/Reusable Statuses - can be used in any controller (901000-902999)
InternalError = 901000 // instead of disclosing details, this error may be used
MtapiSettingError = 901001 // instead of disclosing details, this error may be used
ArgumentError = 901002, // use this status code for argument related errors where the app used to throw "ArgumentException", where error handler logs error however return a bad request to the caller
EnrollmentInServiceRequired = 901003 // use this status code if an operation cannot be performed because it requires users to be enrolled in a service
App Controller (603000 - 603999)
Application information wasn't found.
ApplicationInfoNotFound = 603000Api Key is null.
ApiKeyIsNull = 603001Application Key Validation Context is null.
ApiKeyValidationContextIsNull = 603002Api Key Validation Context Service Id is null.
ServiceIdNotProvided = 603003Api Key Validation Failed.
ApiKeyValidationKeyFailed = 603004
Accounts Controller (601000-601999)
A null UserActivationContext was provided.
InvalidUserActivationContext = 601000
User activation failed.
UserActivationFailed = 601001
A null RegistrationContext was provided.
InvalidRegistrationContext = 601002
User registration failed.
UserRegistrationFailed = 601003
No email value was provided.
InvalidEmail = 601004
No value was provided for the MBUN.
InvalidMbun = 601005
Account recovery failed.
InitiateAccountRecoveryFailed = 601007
The account recovery id must be higher than zero.
InvalidAccountRecoveryId = 601008
The completion of the account recovery failed.
CompleteRecoveryFailed = 601009
The user id must be higher than zero.
InvalidUserId = 601010
A value must be provided.
InvalidConfirmationCode = 601011
Failed to verify a users email.
FailedToVerifyEmail = 601012
Failed to retrieve user enrollments.
GetEnrollmentsFailed = 601013
Cannot associate an internal user to an organization.
CannotAssociateInternalUserToOrganization = 601014
Setting the enrollment key failed.
SetEnrollmentKeyFailed = 601015
Get applied permissions failed.
GetAppliedPermissionsFailed = 601016
AppliedUserServicePermissionDTO cannot be null.
InvalidAppliedServicePermissionDTO = 601017
Applying user service permissions failed.
ApplyUserServicePermissionsFailed = 601018
Address Controller (602000-602999)
The ISO Code wasn't provided.
MissingCountryIsoCode = 602000Getting the list of all countries failed.
GetCountriesFailed = 602001Getting a country's information failed.
GetCountryFailed = 602002Getting a list of Canadian Provinces failed.
GetCanadianProvincesFailed = 602003Getting a list of subdivisions failed.
GetCountrySubdivisionsFailed = 602004Getting a Provinces details failed.
GetCanadianProvinceFailed = 602005A country subdivision code wasn't provided.
MissingCountrySubdivisionCode = 602006
App Controller (603000-603999)
Artifacts Controller (604000-604999)
InvalidArtifactType = 604001
Invalid Artifact Type
UpdatingArtifactFailed = 604002
Updating Artifact Failed
DeletingArtifactFailed = 604003
Deleting Artifact Failed
RetrievingArtifactFailed = 604004
Retrieving Artifact Failed
CreatingArtifactFailed = 604004
Creating Artifact Failed
VerifyingArtifactFailed = 604005
Verifying Artifact Failed
RetrievingDeletedArtifactFailed = 604006
Trying to retrieve deleted artifact failed
Email Notification Controller (605000-605999)
Note: changes described in this section are under development. Your environment may not have these changes yet.
UnsentEmailCheckFailed = 605001
An attempt failed while trying to identify unsent emails, you may try again or contact support if this fails repetitively.SendEmailNotificationFailed = 605002
Error while sending email notification, you may try again or contact support if this fails repetitively.EmailVerificationCodeSentFailed = 605003
Error while sending email verification code, you may try again or contact support if this fails repetitively.RetrevingEmailNotificationTemplateByNameFailed = 605004
Error while sending email verification code, you may try again or contact support if this fails repetitively.RegisterNotificationFailed = 605005
Error while Adding/updating email notification, you may try again or contact support if this fails repetitively.DeleteNotificationFailed = 605006
Error while deleting email notification, you may try again or contact support if this fails repetitively.UnsupportedLanguageInEmailTemplate = 605007
Language used in Email notification template is not supported.
Feedback Controller (606000-606999)
A null InvalidFeedbackDTO was provided.
InvalidFeedbackDTO = 606000Adding a new feedback survey failed.
AddFeedbackFailed = 606001Get feedback by service id failed.
GetFeedbackFailed = 606002Get feedback count by service id failed.
GetFeedbackByCountFailed = 606003
File Attachments Controller (607000-607999)
InvalidServiceRequestId = 607000Note: app uses ServiceRequestNotFound = 4041001Md5HashNotMatching = 607000
MD5 hash does not match.FileNameWithUnsupportedCharacters = 607001
File name consists unsupported characters.VirusScanResultBlocked = 607002
Virus Scan Result - Blocked.InvalidVirusScanUrl = 607004Note: app uses MtapiSettingError = 901001MISSING_WORKFLOW_RULE = 7005Note: app uses MtapiSettingError = 901001
Invoices Controller (608000-608999)
A null InvoiceDTO was provided.
InvalidInvoice = 609000Invoice creation failed.
CreateInvoiceFailed = 609001Invoice id is zero.
InvoiceIdIsZero = 609002Invoice update failed.
UpdateInvoiceFailed = 609003Invalid number reference, or both number provided at the same time.
InvalidNumberOrReference = 609004Invoice(s) not found.
InvoiceNotFound = 609005
Metadata Definitions Controller (609000-609999)
Note: Not implemented yet.
CannotCreateStructure = 609000
Organization Controller (611000-611999)
Retrieving organization failed
RetrievingOrganizationFailed = 611001Organization Id is not valid
InvalidOrganization = 611002Adding organization failed
AddingOrganizationFailed = 611003
Updating organization failed
UpdatingOrganizationFailed = 611004Invalid argument
InvalidArgument = 611005Deleting organization failed
DeletingOrganizationFailed = 611006
Notices Controller (612000-612999)
At least one service must be provided.
Minimum1ServiceRequired = 612001Notice with a certain id is not found.
NoticeNotFound = 612002Unable to get all notices.
GetNoticesFailed = 612003Adding a new notice failed.
AddNoticeFailed = 612004Updating a notice failed.
UpdateNoticeFailed = 612005Delete notice failed.
DeleteNoticeFailed = 612006Notice object is null.
NoticeIsNull = 612007
Permissions Controller (613000-613999)
RetrievingAllPermissionsFailed = 613001
Retrieving all permissions failed
RetrievingUserByPermissionsFailed = 613002
Get User by permissions failed
Portal Capabilities Controller (614000-614999)
Get portal capabilities failed.
GetPortalCapabilitiesFailed = 614000
Service Preferences Controller (615000-615999)
RetrievingServicePreferenceFailed = 615001
Retrieving service preferences failed
CreateOrUpdateServicePreferenceFailed = 615002
Create or Update service preference failed
DeletingServicePreferenceFailed = 615003
Deleting service preference failed
InvalidServicePreferenceFailed = 615004
Invalid service preference
Service Regulated Entities Controller (616000-616999)
InvalidRegulatedEntityType = 616001
Invalid regulated entity type.RetrievingRegulatedEntityFailed = 616002
Retrieving regulated entity failed.AddRegulatedEntityFailed = 616003
Add regulated entity failed.UpdateRegulatedEntityFailed = 616004
Update regulated entity failed.
Service Requests Controller (617000-617999)
RetrievingServiceRequestFailed = 617001
Retrieving service request has failed.RetrievingServiceRequestsByServicesFailed = 617002
Retrieving service requests by services has failed.RetrievingServiceRequestStatusesFailed = 617003
Retrieving service request statuses has failed.RetrievingServiceRequestStatusHistoryFailed = 617004
Retrieving service request status history has failed.RetrievingServiceArtifactsFailed = 617005
Retrieving service request artifacts has failed.AddServiceRequestFailed = 617006
Add service request has failed.ServiceRequestsQueryFailed = 617007
Service request query has failed.UpdateServiceRequestFailed = 617008
Service Request couldn't be updated.ServiceRequestsByServiceFailed = 617009
Retrieving service requests by service has failed.UpdateServiceRequestStatusFailed = 617010
Service Request status couldn't be updated.DeleteServiceRequestFailed = 617011
Service Request couldn't be deleted.InitiateTransferFailed = 617012
Service Request couldn't be initiated.CompleteTransferFailed = 617013
Service Request couldn't be completed.FileAttachmentByServiceRequestFailed = 617014
Retrieving file attachment by service request has failed.NoRequesterId = 617015
Retrieving file attachment by service request has failed.NoRequesterDetails = 617016
Retrieving file attachment by service request has failed.RetrievingUserAssignmentsFailed = 617017
Retrieving user assignments has failed.RetrievingStatusHistoryExFailed = 617018
Retrieving extended status history has failed.RetrievingStatusHistoryExByGuidFailed = 617019
Retrieving extended status history by guid has failed.UpdateDateCannotBeInFuture = 617020
Update date cannot be in future.ServiceRequestStatusLogNotFound = 617021
Service Request status log not Found.UpdateDateShouldBeAfterPreviousDate = 617022
The update date should be greater than the previous date.UpdateDateShouldBeBeforeNewerDate = 617023
The update date should be less than the newer date.UpdateDateShouldBeAfterPreviousDateAndBeforeNewerDate = 617024
The update date should be greater than the previous date and less than the newer date.UpdateStatusHistoryFailed = 617025
Service Request Status couldn't be updated.UserAssignmentExists = 617026
User Assignment already exist.AddUserAssignmentFailed = 617027
User Assignments couldn't be added.RemoveUserAssignmentFailed = 617028
User Assignments couldn't be removed.InvalidServiceStandard = 617029
ServiceStandardId is not valid for the service.InvalidServiceId = 617030
Changing ServiceId not allowed.DeletedStatus= 617031
Changing ServiceId not allowed.UpdateServiceRequestFail = 617032
Update ServiceRequest failed.RetrievingAuditHistoryFailed = 617033
Retrieving audit history has failed.InvalidServiceRequestId = 6170034
Invalid ServiceRequest Id.InvalidServiceRequestRevisedCreatedDate = 617035
The Specified Revised Created Date is invalid.
Services Controller (618000-618999)
InvalidDatetime = 618001
future deactivation dateTime should be greater than the current dateTime
EnrollmentDeactivationFailed = 618002
Enrollment deactivation fails
RetrievingServiceInformationFailed = 618004
Retrieving service information failed
RetrievingActivitiesFailed = 618005
Retrieving activities failed
EnrollUserInServiceFailed = 618006
Enroll User In Service Failed
WithdrawUserFromServiceFailed = 618007
Withdraw User from a service Failed
ActivateUserInServiceFailed = 618008
Activate User in a Service Failed
DeactivateUserFromServiceFailed = 618009
Deactivate User from a Service Failed
InvalidReturnUrl = 618010
Return url Failed
InitiateInviteFailed = 618011
Initiate invite Failed
CompleteInviteWithInvalidArgumentFailed = 618012
Complete invite with invalid argument Failed
InviteWithInternalUserFailed = 618013
Invite with internal user failed
RetrievingUserFailed = 618014
Retrieving user failed
RetrievingNoticesByServiceFailed = 618015
Retrieving notices by service failed
RetrievingServicePermissionFailed = 618016
Retrieving service permissions failed
AddingServicePermissionFailed = 618017
Adding service permission failed
UpdateServicePermissionFailed = 618018
Update service permission failed
DeleteServicePermissionFailed = 618019
Delete service permissions failed
RetrievingServiceRegulatedEntityFailed = 618020
Retrieve the list of service regulated entities failed
RetrievingServiceCatalogFailed = 618021
Retrieving all services failed
Service Settings Controller (619000-619999)
RetrievingServiceSettingFailed = 619001
Retrieving service setting failed
DeletingServiceSettingFailed = 619002
Deleting service setting failed
CreateOrUpdateServiceSettingFailed = 619003
Create or Update service setting failed
Users Controller (620000-620999)
Note: Not implemented yet.
InvalidUserId = 620000
InvalidUserType = 620001