The following describes MTAPI-SRQL language: the MTOA Service Request Query Language used to perform filtering of Service Requests
via the “POST /api/v1/servicerequests/query” endpoint.
The MTAPI-SRQL language allows Service Request to be filtered using a set of filter type. The current supported types are:
Note the following use-cases are currently using the dataset available in MTOA-PLATFORM-TEST.
Query Service Requests but also include the Service Request Status History associated with each Service Request
This can be done by setting the "IncludeStatusHistory" property to true.
{ "UserId": 10005, "IncludeStatusHistory": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, }
The returned Service Request List payload will include the Service Request Status history within each Service Request in as follow:
{ "ServiceRequests": [ ... { "StatusHistory": [ { "ServiceHistoryEntryId": 12054, "Status": "Submitted", "EnglishDisplayName": "Submitted", "FrenchDisplayName": "Soumise", "Date": "2021-08-18T18:34:41", "ServiceCategoryCode": "ON", "ServiceStandardId": 0 }, { "ServiceHistoryEntryId": 12051, "Status": "InProgress", "EnglishDisplayName": "In-Progress", "FrenchDisplayName": "En cours", "Date": "2021-08-19T18:34:33", "ServiceCategoryCode": "OFF", "ServiceStandardId": 0 } ], "DateUpdatedUtc": "2021-08-18T22:34:41", }
Query a list of Services by specifying the Service Ids in a comma delimited list
Because different services might not support the same Metadata fields, ExcludeMetadata must be set to true.
{ "Services":"230,231,232", "ExcludeMetadata": true, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25 }
Query a list of ServiceRequests by specifying the Service Request Ids in a comma delimited list
Because different ServicesRquests might not support the same Metadata fields, ExcludeMetadata must be set to true.
{ "ServiceRequests": "15215,15216,15217,15218", "ExcludeMetadata": true, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25 }
Include the Regulated Entities data inside the dataset that contains a list of Service Requests
Query a single regulated entity such using an IMO number
The query needs to support full matches for the IMO number
{ "Services":"230,231,232", "ExcludeMetadata": true, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "RegulatedEntity-IMO='Value_2'" }
IMO could be replaced by any of the Regulated Entity Identifiers: {VESSEL_NM, CDN_SHIP_IND, IMO, OFFICIAL_NO}
That query needs to support partial matches for Vessel Names
{ "ServiceId": 230, "ExcludeMetadata": false, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "RegulatedEntity-VESSEL_NM.Contains('Value')" }
The .Contains('text') indicates partial matches.
Query a list of ServiceAttributes (by specifying the ServiceAttribute Ids in a comma delimited list)
{ "ServiceId": 2, "ExcludeMetadata": false, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "ServiceAttributes='98,99,100'" }
Query a list of ServiceRequest Statuses (by specifying the ServiceRequest Statuses in a comma delimited list)
{ "ServiceId": 2, "ExcludeMetadata": false, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "Status='Draft,InProgress,Submitted'" }
We should be able to use the filters in multiple permutations
{ "ServiceId": 2, "ExcludeMetadata": false, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "Status='Draft,InProgress,Submitted' and ServiceAttributes='98,99,100'" }
{ "UserId": 8872, "ExcludeMetadata": true, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "Status='Draft,InProgress' AND RegulatedEntity-IMO='Value_2'" }
{ "UserId": 8872, "ExcludeMetadata": true, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "Status='Draft,InProgress' AND RegulatedEntity-IMO='Value_2' and PlaceOfSupply='ON'" }
However the following adding multiple variants of the same filter attribute is not permitted
"Filter": "RegulatedEntity-IMO='Value_2' AND RegulatedEntity-OFFICIAL_NO ='1234' "
The difference between this filter and the previous examples is that RegulatedEntity-IMO OR RegulatedEntity- OFFICIAL_NO are the same filter type RegulatedEntity
"Filter": "Status='Draft’ OR Status=’InProgress’ is not supported but "Filter": "Status='Draft, InProgress’ is supported.
Query a list of ServiceRequest using a Date Range using the “DateRangeUtc” keyword
{ "UserId": 9873, "ServiceId": 0, "Services": null, "OrganizationId": 0, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": false, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "DateRangeUtc=20210801-20210803" }
DateRangeUtc=20210802 - Query the date for a single given day (inclusive)
DateRangeUtc=20210802-20210802 - Query the date for a given range (inclusive)
Specifying a Sort Order
{ "UserId": 9873, "ServiceId": 0, "Services": null, "OrganizationId": 0, "IncludeRegulatedEntities": false, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, "Filter": "DateRangeUtc=20210801-20210803" }
OrderBy Syntax
OrderBy-{Id|Date}={Asc|Ascending|Desc|Descending} the query itself is case insensitive
OrderBy-Id=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Asc
OrderBy-Date=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Date=Asc
OrderBy-Id=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Id (without using a sort direction)
OrderBy-Date=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Date (without using a sort direction)
OrderBy Syntax
OrderBy-{Id|Date}={Asc|Ascending|Desc|Descending} the query itself is case insensitive
OrderBy-Id=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Asc
OrderBy-Date=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Date=Asc
OrderBy-Id=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Id (without using a sort direction)
OrderBy-Date=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Date (without using a sort direction)
Know Issues
PlaceOfSupply is case sensitive
If an unsupported type is being used, it will be discarded .
Service Requests will be retrieving without taking that condition into account.