Who will need to review locations
Need Rail Safety expert to review data. There is no way around this.
Overall plan of action to map locations (all groups)
Identify initial properties to map using tools and scripts
Identify additional properties / data that can be used to increase accuracy
Label any locations that are invalid as not to be considered in DW
Need to prioritize which groups will be tackled first. Groups are listed below.
Owner - Complete a/o November 2022
Subdivision - In progress
Yard - these locations will be very difficult to map, and really need someone with expertise to identify properties (e.g. pick five “best guess” properties, and run them through software to see accuracy level, and then adjust or add properties)
Track Type
Divide and conquer strategy
It might be possible to map more than one group or location category at a time, as they might share common data (e.g. subdivision and crossings may share similar properties).
Subdivision mapping
Properties DW team is currently using:
{subdivision name}
{owner name}
{start mile}
{end mile}
The DW team has already started to map subdivisions, and 50% of them have a good level of accuracy.
These are the steps required to map subdivision:
Map subdivision to owner - this is complete. DW team needs rail safety experts to review the 50% of these that have a high accuracy after the initial mapping process.
Rail safety experts need to identify three new properties for the DW team to run through their software. DW team suggested province might be a good property. This should help to provide a more accurate matching of the remaining 50%. When this is done, rail safety team will need to match these.
There will be some leftover subdivisions that software cannot match. We will need to manually do these. There is no choice.
What DW team will give you after properties have been run through software
There will be two sets of data - 50% of the data will have a high accuracy rate, 50% of the data will need to be eyeballed, it will not have a high accuracy rate.
Date may not be a specific group, per se, but it is by grouping (e.g. yard, subdivision, crossing, etc.).
Mapping occurrences to Locations
One location can have multiple occurrences.
One occurrence can have multiple inspections (in future, when other groups are brought on board).
Need to map occurrences to locations vs locations to occurrences.
Technological considerations
Need communication between RSIG, ROFs and DW if user maps or modifies a location.
[Not sure if still applicable] - ROFs db should be the gold standard db. ROFs db will update RSIG and DW.