Welcome to the Aircraft Inventory and Maintenance Management System

ASD Business Analysis


ASD Introduction

The Transport Canada (TC) Aircraft Services Directorate (ASD), responsible for the provisioning of aviation services, needs to replace outdated and inefficient tools used in the process of maintaining the ASD and clients’ aircraft. ASD requires the replacement of two main systems (Aircraft Maintenance and Dispatching System (AMDS) and Computerized Aircraft Maintenance Program (CAMP)) and a number of Access databases, Excel spreadsheets and forms used in ASD aircraft maintenance. Furthermore, modifications of processes/business functions must be improved. The new system must be an all-encompassing Aircraft Inventory and Maintenance Management System (AIMMS). The desired future system will have the aircraft inventory and maintenance business functions/processes combined into a single commercial off the shelf software (COTS) system. The COTS system to implement AIMMS must have the ability, through a cloud SaaS Solution, to manage ASD data at the Protected “B” level. The cloud network will enhance the performance and safety of the aircraft maintenance conducted in the Canadian northern regions and onboard Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) vessels to meet the diversity, complexity and challenges of the different ASD maintenance environments. A Cloud web-based system will provide as minimum limited access to the system that could allow updating documents, due lists, and other essential document to ensure that the maintenance tasks are performed on time and to the latest information received at ASD home bases.



The purpose of this business analysis is to describe the “as is” business processes used by the ASD aircraft maintenance organization. Information collected in this document will be used to prepare a request for proposal (RFP) with the objective to replace the existing aircraft maintenance databases, Excel sheets and electronic and paper forms currently used. The future system to be acquired through the RFP will assist in modernizing the aircraft maintenance processes while meeting the CARs and internal policies and procedures. The document will also be used by the selected vendor to facilitate the configuration of the vendor’s solution and the migration of existing ASD aircraft maintenance data. It should also facilitate the transformation of the internal policies and procedures as well as developing training required to transition effectively to the new system.