Dev Technical Learning Plan - ROMbus & Fusion

Dev Technical Learning Plan - ROMbus & Fusion

Goal: Keeping track of knowledge transfer / implementing T-shaped teams.


Why it’s needed?


Completed Date


Why it’s needed?


Completed Date

Moving solutions between environments without using pipelines

Date added:
March 31, 2021

A few times the pipelines stopped working due to external issues (Microsoft live-site crash), therefore it would be beneficial to prevent work impediments



Moving solutions to production environment / creating release

Date added:
March 31, 2021

In case Ivan is out-of-office, we would like to know how to create a release in the production environment



Better understand the database architecture

Date added:
March 31, 2021

Understand how the solutions are stored in the cloud and how everything is built. This would help us be able to set up a new dev environment if a new person joins.



Automate test environment

Date added:
March 31, 2021

Understand to Setup and do test coverage in each sprint for existing and new features



Getting Administrator access to DevOps

Date added:
April 16, 2021

When team members are away and we need to add someone to our team in DevOps.




  1. self directed learning (online courses, etc.)

  2. peer coaching on specific areas

  3. workshops

  4. training (some may be available thought PACE)

Date added:

April 21, 2021

As part of continuous improvement / agile mindset, it is important all team member continue to improve skills and experience in Dymanics and SCEM through multiple means



Brainstorm: How to know when to contact Microsoft support or TC Help Desk?

Date added:
April 19, 2021




How to build Stakeholder with a component approach

Date added:
May 5, 2021





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