TC Design
UX Definition of Done
A Definition of Done is a checklist of criteria that need to be met in order a for a piece of research or design work to be considered completed and ready for implementation. By using the Definition of Done to review their own work, designers will ensure the deliverable meets the users needs, fulfills the project goals, fits within technical constraints and contributes to a sense of uniformity across all projects in the department.
To use the Definition of Done, prior to marking a task or user story as complete, review the checklist and determine if you have fulfilled each criterion. The checklist was built to be flexible and for use with all different types of UX research and design deliverables. Not all criterion may apply to your deliverable, use your best judgement to determine which should be fulfilled. If you find you have not met all of the criteria, your task or user story may require further effort.
UX Design Definition of Done Checklist
Plain language - Is all copy written in plain language as per the Canada Content Style Guide?
Common terms - Have common UI terms been used where possible?
Translations - Has all copy been translated, reviewed by a native speaker and documented in both English and French?
Feasibility - Has the proposed design been presented to the development team to assess feasibility and effort required?
Viability - Has the proposed design been presented to the product owner to determine if it fulfills the business requirements?
Desirability - Has the proposed design been presented to the users to determine if it fulfills their needs?
Responsive - Will the design be responsive across screen sizes from 320 X 600px to 1440 X 1024px?
Accessible - Is the design WCAG 2.1 level AA compliant?
Design standards - Does the design work within the guidance of the MAACE design system for internal apps and either the Design System or GC Design System for external apps?
Consistency - Is the design consistent with previous work done on this project or by other similar projects in the department? Does the design align with other applications, software, or processes that users may have encountered elsewhere?
Documentation - Have all relevant design files been stored in a location accessible to all team members and stakeholders?
DevOps - Has the DevOps PBI/task been updated with all relevant files and information on the completed work?
UX Research Definition of Done Checklist
Informed consent - Were consent forms signed by each participant and appropriately stored, if necessary?
Participant privacy - Were privacy measures implemented to protect participants, if necessary?
Follow-ups - Were participants who agreed to be contacted for future research documented, along with their contact information?
Session documented - Has all session documentation, including notes, recordings, and transcripts been properly stored for access by others?
Analysis - Was all data analyzed for findings and insights?
Anonymized - Have transcripts and/or recordings been scrubbed of personal and identifying information?
Findings documented - Have findings been clearly documented and properly stored for access by others?
Research objectives - Were all of the research objectives met? If not, is a plan in place to fulfill the outstanding objectives at a later date?
Impact to project - If any of the research findings impact previous and future projects, have these impacts been documented and communicated to the business and PO?
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TC Design