TC Design
Other resources
Curated list of the best business, design, and organizational change toolboxes built by some of the most influential companies, institutions and thinkers.
User research manual
A user research manual from the UK Government that includes resources on how to plan research, prepare for sessions, and share and analyse findings.
User research - Service Manual - GOV.UK
Design manual
A design manual from the UK Government that includes resources on naming, structuring and scoping your service, prototyping, using design patterns and design training.
Design - Service Manual - GOV.UK
UX Resources for Transport Canada
A consolidated interactive map of helpful resources with links to UX principles and practices, design systems, tools, conferences, continuous learning, and work related links for Transport Canada. Download the html file to view in your preferred browser. MindManager software is required to edit the *mmap version.
Design system inspiration
For an explanation of the design systems and standards currently in use in Marine and Civil aviation, please see Design systems and standards. The following is a collection of other design systems that follow similar patterns and guidelines.
Ontario Design System
The Ontario Design System provides principles, guidance and code to help teams design and build accessible, mobile-friendly government websites and digital services for the province of Ontario.
GOV.UK Design System
The GOV.UK Design System is for everyone that works on government services for the United Kingdom, with a strong community sitting behind it. It brings together the latest research, design and development from across government to make sure it’s representative and relevant for its users.
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