myTCAccount documentation now available through TC confluence :
PBI #8473 - A Prod issue updating an external email address
PBI #8498 - ZEV ACC - Not able to retrieve organizations
PBI #8375 - Service Request Details - Implement Support for Requestor Organization
Implement Support for Requestor Organization. Add RequesterOrganizationId property property in BaseServiceRequest class
PBI #8318 - Implement Support for Cargo Regulated Entities
GET v1/regulated-entities/: Gets a collection regulated entity ids for a specified service request.
POST v1/regulated-entities/: Adds a collection regulated entity ids for a specified service request.
PUT v1/regulated-entities/:Updates a collection regulated entity ids for a specified service request.
PBI #8306 - Email Notifications Active Monitoring Solution Analysis
GET v1/unsent_notifications: Checks for unsent email and send notification if needed. The API will send out a slack notification if unsent emails are detected. Users can specify the time elapsed in hours, default value is set to 1 hour.
PBI #8517 - Improve Support for Encrypted MTOA Credentials in Production
Enforce the usage of encrypted MTOA API credentials in Prod. We allowed the use of "DisableApiJwtKeysEncryption" application setting for iZEV (only available in the Regular .NET MTOA Framework).
PBI #8370 - Get /api/v1/servicrequests excludeMetadata returns SR's with meta data
PBI #8280 - MTAPI - Email Notification Enhancements
PBI #7948 - GET /organizations/{id}/users doesn't return internal users bound to that org
PBI #8095 - Internal users should be prevented from being associated with organizations
PBI #7947 - GET /services/{id}/organizations and GET /users/{id}/organizations only retrieve one org per user (Is this fixed ?)
PBI #8510 - PUT /api/v1/regulated-entities - should throw an error when updating a RE not existing
PBI #8513 - GET /api/v1/regulated-entities - should return 403 when retrieving RE for a RTMR SR using SVMMS key
PBI #8241 - GET /api/v1/services/invites - received an object with a wrong type
PBI #8202 - GET /provinces/{code} & /countrySubdivisions/{code} - correct status code and error message
PBI #8335 - service request filtering needs to be enhanced to filter updated dates and time with service request id's
PBI #6823 - POST /api/v1/notifications returns inconsistent results (emails not always sent)