myTC Account is Transport Canada’s online service delivery platform. It is a collection of Departmental Capabilities made up of User Features and Development Capabilities. These Department Capabilities identify common components across online services and ensure that they are built once and shared rather than duplicated. It is an iterative platform. New features will be constantly rolled out in release packages. It is also a shared platform for all of TC to collaborate and contribute features.
myTC account is composed of 3 main modules and each of these encompasses various components.
These modules are:
Ø myTC Account Portal;
Ø myTC Account Micro-services – MTAPI;
Ø myTC Account Database.
The next three subsections are a concise description of the modules and supplementary images. Each one of these could be expanded to provide more detailed specifications however; for expediency, we present information in a summary format.
If you want to become more familiar with the platform, a prompt way to do so is by reviewing subsection “2.4 What is myTC Account Sample Web Service?”.
Please note that the terms “MTOA” and “myTC Account” are synonyms that may be used interchangeably throughout components of the framework described herein.
For any additional information please contact us at:
TC.F NCR AFCE MTOA Platform Team / Équipe plateforme MTOA AFCE RCN F.TC
1.1 myTC Account Portal
The myTC Account Portal is comprised of various components and features to ensure compliance, modularity and scalability. Enhancements and/or new functionality are constantly being developed and implemented thus; the in-flux state of this document, which also implies the list below will be augmented on regular basis.
The myTC Account Portal components at this time are:
Ø Common look and feel using the Canada's Digital Technology Super cluster (CDTS) template;
Ø My Services Catalog;
Ø My Requests Catalog;
Ø Account Settings;
Ø Common Main Navigation Bar;
Ø Service Title Bar.
The following images illustrate the user experience when accessing the portal.
Upon consuming the myTC Account portal, the main landing page will look like the following:
The “My Services” functionality is a representation of the services which the user has been enrolled/has access to utilize:
The “My Requests” functionality is a representation of what a user is able to see regarding requests to which an association exists:
Each of the record in the My Requests grid (table in Figure 2.1‑3) contains information about the service request and related service. The MTOA framework retrieves the information about the service using the service id. It is mandatory for the service to define its base URL in the MTOA database before it goes live.
If the user clicks on the service request record, the MTOA framework will retrieve the information about the service including the base URL, and then, will redirect the user to the service landing page and will embed the service request id, service type, and language (eng or fra) in the querystring parameter of the service url.
Ex: for the iZEV service, the user is sent to the following URL if he clicks on the Service Request #1598
The service is expected to handle two optional parameters: serviceRequestId of type int? and serviceRequestType of type string.
async Task<ActionResult> Index(int? serviceRequestId, string serviceRequestType)
It’s the responsibility of the service to determine which page will be opened based on the current service request status and current page indicator
The user may choose to open, submit or view a request by clicking on it. As an example of a submission, the user will be presented with the screen below as confirmation: