The Email notification card and Email notification menu bar let administrators manage Email Notifications. Email notification pages can only be accessed if the administrator has any of the following permissions on at least one MTOA supported service:
Create Email Notification
Read Email Notification
Update Email Notification
Delete Email Notification
The table below describes what an administrator can do with a given permission.
| Read Email Notification Permission | Create Email Notification Permission | Update Email Notification Permission | Delete Email Notification Permission | Create and invite users in any service |
View Email list | X |
| See note below |
Create new Email |
| X |
| |
Edit an Email |
| X |
| |
Preview | X |
| |
Delete an Email |
| X |
Note: A user with the special permission "Create and invite users in any service" in myTC Account Administration service, need to be enrolled in a given service with permissions as described above to read and manage email notifications.
This page displays all notification templates. You can manage existing notifications and create new ones. This page can be only accessed if you have the Read Email notification permission.
When a user is assigned to a specific service with some permissions for email notifications in that service, those permissions are applicable to all email notifications created for that service.
Add New Template
This allows administrators to create new email templates and requires the Create Email Notification permission. Without this permission, the “Add a new email notification template“ button will not be displayed.
Edit Email template
The Edit button allows administrators to update email templates and requires the Update Email Notification permission. If there is no update permission on a given service, the Edit button will not be displayed.
Add Email template and Edit Email template pages
Template Name
The name of the email notification template. You cannot reuse the same name of an existing template.
This field is required when creating a new template. When editing, this field is read-only and cannot be modified.
The following rules apply to characters used in the template name:
No special characters are allowed
No spaces allowed (instead you should use dash or underscore)
Should start and end with an alphabetical character
Use numeric, upper and lower case letters
Dashes (-), underscores (_), quote marks ('), commas (,) are allowed
Accented characters are allowed but will be converted to their non-accented equivalent characters
This field displays a list of supported services based on the current administrators permissions.
For example, on the Create Email Template page, the services displayed are those where the administrator has the Create Email Template permission. Similarly, on the Edit Email Template page, the services displayed are those where the administrator has Edit Email Template permission. To select more than one service from the list you must hold the CTRL key on the keyboard.
Has Subject Parameters
Check this field if the English/French subjects will have any parameters.
English/French Subject
The subject of the email notification.
Has Body Parameters
Check this field if the English/French body will have any parameters.
English/French Body
Content of the email notification.
Saves the email notification, then returns to the notifications list.
Stop ongoing action and returns to the notifications list.
Template Parameters
Parameters are text inside the subject and body that is contained between these two characters “{}”.
In the image below you can see an example of how parameters (indicated in red) are used in the subject and body. There are no limit on the amount of parameters that can be used.
Preview Email notification
This page lets you add values to the parameters. In the image below you can see an example of the parameters being replaced by text.
Send a test email
Sends you a test email with all of the parameters being replaced with the values provided.
Returns to the email notification list.
Email Preview
Below is an example of the email that was received.
Delete removes an email notification from the list and requires the Delete Email Notification permission. Before deleting an email notification a confirmation message is displayed.
After confirmation, the email notification is removed from the notices list.
Without delete permission on a given service, the delete button will not be displayed.
This is an example of a validation summary. The number of validation errors is displayed. A link to the field where the validation failed is provided. The field where the validation failed will also have message.