Targeted Environments
- (Version
SMGS# ticket:
PROD Release:
myTC Account documentation now available through TC confluence :
Release Notes
The MAPI release includes changes to the service artifacts and some major database structure changes. The service artifacts end-points were renamed to maintain consistency with the existing MTAPI end-points.
PBI #10876 - MTAPI - Service Request Assignments - Support for Multiple Users
PBI #10885 - MTAPI - Service Request Assignments - Ability to remove assigned Users from SR by providing list of UserID
PBI #11548 - Investigate and address missing logs when APIs run into exception
PBI #11652 - Manage Internal and External Users - Support for Admin Console to make use of the AC060 and AC061 application tables.
PBI #10878 - MTAPI - Service Request - Ability to retrieve collection of SRs given a list of SRs IDs
PBI #10883 - MTAPI - Service Request History - Ability to include the SR History with the retrieved SRs
Retrieve a Service Request List that includes Status History using the "POST /api/v1/servicerequests/query" endpoint
Document SR history in SR List
PBI #11293 - MTOA Portal - Enhance Account Recovery Implementation - GC Key Login Page
Hide "GET /api/v1/services/base-urls" api from swagger page
New api end points for the service artifact
POST /api/v1/service-artifacts
Creates a new service artifact
PUT /api/v1/service-artifacts
Updates a service artifact
DELETE /api/v1/service-artifacts/{id}
Deletes a service artifact using its ID
GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/{id}
Gets the JSON of an existing service artifact using it ID
GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/latest
Get the latest JSON of a service using an alias (optionally filter by service ID and version)
GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/{id}/info
Get a service artifact's information using its ID
GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/info
Get a service artifact's information using a service ID (optionally filtered by alias and version)
GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/info-by-name
Get a service artifact's information using the name (alias) of the artifact (optionally filtered by service Id and version
BUG #11910 - AF - GET /api/v1/service-artifact/latest with valid artifact Alias and key returns a 401
BUG #11683 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/country-subdivisions - missing data
Bug #12075 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/info - response data not sorted by id
Bug #12079 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/{id} - mtapistatus is -1 for successful requests
Bug #12080 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/service-artifacts/latest - mtapistatus is -1 for successful requests
BUG #11906 - AF - GET /api/v1/service-artifact/artifacts/info filtered with ServiceCode and version returns no Artifacts
BUG #11903 - AF- serviceId's not updated with PUT /api/v1/service-artifact
BUG #11494 - QA- ACC Portal My Service cards public services should not display contact services when there are no services
BUG #11683 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/country-subdivisions - missing data
BUG #11319 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/artifacts/{id}/info - mtapistatus header should return 4041009,604008 for invalid artifactId
BUG #11963 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/file-attachments/{id} - missing error message
BUG #9632 - QA ACC Portal - In progress PFTR reports are not opened after selecting it in the My Services listing Adding service artifact implementation for GetByName to the api client to consume the v1/service-artifact/artifacts/info-by-name api
BUG #11017 - MTAPI - The ServiceRequest API Page and Page size parameters should have default value
Implemented the same standard for the page and pagesize for the GET /api/v1/app/servicerequests and GET /api/v1/servicerequests apis
BUG #11319 - MTAPI - GET /api/v1/artifacts/{id}/info - mtapistatus header should return 4041009,604008 for invalid artifactId
Adding deleted_date_dte null check when retrieving service artifacts.
Added support for the new UAT environment
TASK #11449 Fixed regenerated EDMX and prerequisite changes to phase 1 Admin console changes.
TASK #11166 - Add Support for a RevisedDate for UpdateServiceRequestStatus
MTOA NuGet packages Draft Release Notes
Version # (2021-09-29)
Domain objects changes
Data Layer changes
Changes to the api client
Business Layer changes
Breaking change
MTOA Database – Release Note for Version (v2.0.0)
Schema Structure Changes
Table | Column | Comments |
AC060_APPLICATION | New table | |
AC062_PERMISSION_SET | New table (to be used in a later phase) | |
AC063_APPLICATION_PERMISSION_SET | New table (to be used in a later phase) | |
AC064_APPLICATION_PERMISSION | New table (to be used in a later phase) | |
AC200_ACCOUNT | New table (to be used in a later phase) | |
AC203_ACCOUNT_APPLICATION_PERMISSION_SET | New table (partial implementation in Phase 1) | |
TC208_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE | TEMPLATE_BODY_ETXT | Datatype changed from VARCHAR2(4000 Byte) to CLOB |
TEMPLATE_BODY_FTXT | Datatype changed from VARCHAR2(4000 Byte) to CLOB | |
YY206_NOTIFICATION | NOTIFICATION_ETXT | Datatype changed from VARCHAR2(4000 Byte) to CLOB |
NOTIFICATION_FTXT | Datatype changed from VARCHAR2(4000 Byte) to CLOB | |
AC043_ORGANIZATION_STAKEHOLDER | SVMMS_MANUFACTURER_ID | New column to be used in later phase |
Data Changes
Table | Column | Data | Comments |