User guide

User guide

Clone a calendar

NOTE: The best practice with Booking Tools is to create a template calendar and clone each new calendar from this template. At the moment this documentation is written, we don’t have this template done.

  1. Go to Bookings and click on Create New Calendar

    or you can select the calendar where you want to clone. Click on “…” and Clone

  2. Select what you want to clone and click on Conitnue

  3. Add a name and click on Continue

  4. Select the option People in my organization and click on Create Calendar


Business Information

Once your calendar is created, you can add/change some information in your calendar as Basic Details and Business hours.


In the Services option, you can add/edit/remove a service.

Add a new service

  1. After clicking on Add new service, you can add some information about your service and click on Save Changes. The same page will be used to Edit a service.

Edit a service

Select your service and click on Edit

Delete a service

Select your service and click on Edit and Confirm it after


Outlook and booking tools configuration

In the first version of Booking Tools with Moncton calendar, we create a new outlook e-mail for each Terminal for the purpose of managing the Booking Tools calendar from Outlook.

The e-mail default was defined like this: terminal + number + region + @tc.gc.ca

Example: terminal1pnr@tc.gc.ca, terminal2pnr@tc.gc.ca

IMPORTANT: To avoid creating multiple email accounts, you can manage your calendar directly from Booking Tools

So, each terminal is a new staff, type of role: “Guest”.

Note: Booking Tools roles

  • Administrators can edit all settings, add and remove staff, and create, edit, or delete bookings.

  • Viewers can see all the bookings on the calendar, but they can’t modify or delete them. They have read-only access to settings.

  • Guests can be assigned to bookings, but they can’t open the booking mailbox.


Manage staff

On this option, you can find all TC employees and give them access to your calendar.

Add a new staff as a Guest

  1. Click on Add new staff, add a name and click on Use this name.
    NOTE: If you have an account, you only need to select it in the directory.

  2. Add an email and other configurations
    NOTE: it could be a non-existing or non-functional email. If it is the case make sure to add “no-reply”.

  3. Turn on the option “Use business hours”, to make sure this Staff will be open to receive appointments.

    NOTE: For other staff who don’t want to receive an appointment directly in their own calendar, make sure to turn off this option.

Booking Page Configuration

On the Booking page, you can find the link to send to your customers to start booking appointments and you can change some configurations, such as a current time zone.


With the last option, Calendar, you have your global vision of your calendar and you can mange it from here.


Microsoft Bookings