Civil Aviation IT Portfolio

Civil Aviation IT Portfolio

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What you'll find here

Welcome!  This fully collaborative space between Civil Aviation and the Business Solutions Directorate is meant to be a "one-stop-shop" for everything related to Civil Aviation's past, present and future IT applications and projects.

Click on elements of the table below to further explore an application or project and associated documentation (business cases and project charters, etc.), project teams, bug fix tips, platform and environment information, process documentation, and much more.

You'll also find information on how maintenance on applications is performed and prioritized, as well as how to report an issue with, or propose a new feature for, an application.

Can't find what you're looking for or found outdated information?  Let us know, and we'll update it!

Some links on how we work

DRAFT - Product Playbook, Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration (miro.com)


Application Support and Maintenance 

Your app isn't behaving as it should, or you'd like to suggest new features?  Raise a ticket by completing Civil Aviation's Request Intake Form.

The current DSD-Civil Aviation Support and Maintenance process can be found by clicking HERE.  Please follow this process when resolving any support issues related to the Civil Aviation Safety and Security application portfolio. 


The current status of the DSD-Civil Aviation Support Portfolio can be found here

DSD-Civil Aviation Portfolio

*COTS = Commercial Off-The-Shelf product

At the highest level of the hierarchy, TC provides SERVICES. 

Some of those services are identified as CRITICAL SERVICES when loss of the service would have a high degree of impact on the health, safety, security, economic well-being of Canadians or the effective functioning of the Government of Canada.

An APPLICATION is deemed MISSION CRITICAL if the application is essential to the service and is considered to ENABLE that service. The MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DOWNTIME (MAD) is usually very low - in line with the criticality of the service and the application.

CRITICAL BUSINESS APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES (CBAS) applications are a subset of Mission Critical applications and the implication is that SSC must provide after-hours support for the SSC infrastructure that these applications utilize.





IT Support TeamCOTS? 



Business Line

Business AdministratorProduct Owner / Business OwnerLead Director
2FA - A2FTwo Factor AuthenticationTeam Medevac / Team Avro Arrows

MedicineDaniel BaptisteTyler BrooksTyler Brooks
2FA Web Proxy - Proxy Web A2FTwo Factor Authentication Web ProxyTeam Avro Arrows

MedicineDaniel BaptisteTyler BrooksTyler Brooks
AASFTD - DEVSAAApproved Aircraft Simulators and Flight Training DevicesTeam Avro Arrows

Commercial Flight Standards

Kevin Banh

Donia Antar

Deborah MartinAndrew Larsen
ACTS V2Aircraft Certification Tracking System V2Decommissioned June 2022

National Aircraft CertificationCanh NhamCanh NhamPhilippe Ngassam
AIRA External - RIAA ExterneAviation Incident Reporting and Admin ExternalTeam Avro Arrows

Patrick Audy
AIRA Internal - RIAA InterneAviation Incident Reporting & Admin (Internal/External)Team Avro Arrows

Patrick Audy
AMES - STEAAircraft Maintenance Engineer SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Operational AirworthinessRyan HennigarJeff PhippsAndrew Larsen
AP FCL - PA LMECAuthorized Persons - Flight Crew LicensingTeam Avro Arrows

Pilot Training and Licensing

John Andrades

Andrew Armstrong

Ryan Johnson

Andrew Larsen
APPORG - ORGACCApproved / Accepted OrganizationsTeam Avro Arrows

Commercial Flight Standards

Kevin Banh

Dean Barrett

Deborah MartinAndrew Larsen
APSD - PAPSAeronautical Products Service DeliveryTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft Certification

Sharon Domitsu

Fawad Bashir /
Everett Schmidt

Philippe Ngassam
ARASS - SNARAActivity Reporting and Standards SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Management and Resource Services

Stephane Robichaud
Kelly Haynes
Olivier Hill

Liana FixAngèle Saumur
ASTRAAviation Safety Response and Transmittal ActionDecommissioned June 2022

Aviation Safety Analysis
Joel MorleyPatrick Juneau
BSIS External - RIOM ExterneBird and Wildlife Strikes Information SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Flight StandardsDevon HarrisFrancis MercierAndrew Larsen
BSIS Internal - RIOM InterneBird/Wildlife Strikes Information SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Flight StandardsDevon HarrisFrancis MercierAndrew Larsen
CABACivil Aviation Business Analytics

CADLIS - SILDACCivil Aviation Distribution List Information System

Moved to Julie Schnaithmann

Doug Hickey
CADORS - SCRQEACCivil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting SystemTeam Avro Arrows
(tick)Aviation Safety Policy and IntelligenceKristen MoranSherry ReidPatrick Juneau
CAETAS - SAFACCivil Aviation Employee Training Activities System

ONT REGION Business ManagementLaura Powell

Michael Oda Lozada

Robert Lowes

Imi Waljee
CAIBPSCivil Aviation Integrated Business Plan System

Decommissioned July 2022

Management and Resource Services Liana Fix
Angèle Saumur
CAIMSCivil Aviation Integrated Management SystemDecommissioned July 2022

Management and Resource Services Zehra Rhemani

John Pinches

Angèle Saumur
CAIPSCivil Aviation IT Time TrackingDecommissioned Aug 2022

Civ Av IM/IT
Edith Tremblay
CAIRS ExtCivil Aviation Issues Reporting System ExternalDecommissioned April 2022

National Aircraft CertificationSarah Lamarche 
Nicholas Robinson
CAIRS IntCivil Aviation Issues Reporting SystemDecommissioned April-2022

National Aircraft Certification

Sarah Lamarche 
Nicholas Robinson
CAME Search - Recherche MEAC (Transferred to Wiki)Civil Aviation Medical Examiner SearchTeam Avro Arrows

MedicineDaniel BaptisteTyler BrooksTyler Brooks
CAMIS - SIMAC (Transferred to Wiki)Civil Aviation Medical Information SystemTeam Avro Arrows

MedicineDaniel BaptisteTyler BrooksTyler Brooks
CAMMS - SMMACCivil Aviation Medicine Management SystemTeam Medevac

MedicineRyan KennedyTyler BrooksTyler Brooks
Irina Krasteleva

StandardsDan ConnelyAndrew LarsenFelix Meunier
CAPMS - SGPMCCorrective Action Plan Management SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Management and Resource Services John PinchesJohn PinchesAngèle Saumur
CARAC NPA Ext - CCRAC APM ExtCARAC Activity Reporting System ExternalTeam Avro Arrows

Regulatory Affairs

 Lise Picard / 
Ariane Wilson

Geneviève FrenetteSteven Palisek
CARAC NPA Int - CCRAC APM IntCARAC Notice of Proposed Amendments SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Regulatory AffairsLise Picard / 
Ariane Wilson
Geneviève FrenetteSteven Palisek
CARS Exemption - Exemption RACCivil Aviation Regulations Exemptions DatabaseTeam Avro Arrows
(tick)Regulatory AffairsLise PicardGeneviève FrenetteSteven Palisek

CASIMSCivil Aviation Surveillance Information Management SystemDecommissioned June 2022

Technical Program Evaluation and Coordination
Blake CheneyFelix Meunier
CATS - STACCivil Aviation Terminology SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Management and Resource Services Ruxandra LunguGuy HoudinAngèle Saumur
CAWIS Ext - SWIMN ExtContinuing Airworthiness Web Information SystemTeam Avro Arrows
(tick)National Aircraft CertificationLauren McMahonJenny Young
Philippe Ngassam
CAWIS Int - SWIMN IntContinuing Airworthiness Web Information SystemTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft CertificationLauren McMahonJenny Young
Philippe Ngassam
CAWIS EDM - SWIMN MDECAWIS Electronic Distribution ModuleTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft CertificationLauren McMahonLauren McMahonPhilippe Ngassam
CAWIS MDM - SWIMN MDCCAWIS Mail Distribution ModuleTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft CertificationLauren McMahonLauren McMahonPhilippe Ngassam
CCAR Web - Web RACCCanadian Civil Aircraft Register Computer System WebTeam Avro Arrows

Operational AirworthinessAircraftRequirements-ExigencesAeronefs@tc.gc.ca Brian ClarkeAndrew Larsen
CCARCSE - RIACCCanadian Civil Aircraft Register Computer System EvolutionTeam Avro Arrows
(tick)Operational AirworthinessAircraftRequirements-ExigencesAeronefs@tc.gc.ca Brian ClarkeAndrew Larsen
CORRALPublications CorralDecommissioned May 2022

Operational Support Services
Doug HickeyEmilia Warriner
DAPLS - SDLPA (Transferred to Wiki)Distributed Air Personnel Licensing SystemTeam Avro Arrows
(tick)Pilot Training and Licensing

John Andrades

Andrew Armstrong

Ryan Johnson

Andrew Larsen
DAPLS-MPDIS - SDLPA-SDDPMDistributed Air Personnel Licensing System- Multimodal Personnel Document Issuance SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Pilot Training and Licensing

John Andrades

Andrew Armstrong

Ryan JohnsonAndrew Larsen
DCRA AdminDelegates Conference Registration ApplicationDecommissioned April 2022

National Aircraft CertificationGlenn Adams
Philippe Ngassam
DCRA ExtDelegates Conference Registration Application ExternalDecommissioned April 2022

National Aircraft CertificationGlenn Adams
Philippe Ngassam
DIS - SIDDelegations Information System Version 2Team Avro Arrows

National Aircraft Certification

Glenn Adams

Marcus Tittiger

Sylvie Blais (Acting)Philippe Ngassam
eMER - eREM (Transferred to Wiki)Electronic Medical Examination Report (eMER)Team Avro Arrows

MedicineDaniel BaptisteTyler BrooksTyler Brooks
EMS - SIGALEnforcement Management SystemTeam Avro Arrows
(tick)Enforcement StandardsJeannot PilonJean-François MathieuAndrew Larsen
ENQUIRIESEnquiriesDecommissioned Aug 2022

Comm Centre

Hannah Kalmisto

FLIGHT 2005Flight 2005Decommissioned June 2022

National Aircraft CertificationSarah Lamarche 
Nicholas Robinson
FOAEAFamily Orders and Agreements EnforcementTeam Avro Arrows

Pilot Training and LicensingAndrew ArmstrongRyan JohnsonAndrew Larsen
FTAE CDE External - FVEA EEO ExterneFlight Training and Aviation Education Computer Delivered Examinations ExternalTeam Avro Arrows

Pilot Training and Licensing

Chantal Avon

Martine Dumas

Ryan JohnsonAndrew Larsen
FTAE CDE Internal - FVEA EEO InterneFlight Training and Aviation Education Computer Delivered Examinations InternalTeam Avro Arrows

Pilot Training and Licensing

Chantal Avon

Martine Dumas

Ryan JohnsonAndrew Larsen
FTAE II - FVEA IIFlight Training and Aviation EducationTeam Avro Arrows

Pilot Training and Licensing

Chantal Avon

Martine Dumas

Ryan JohnsonAndrew Larsen
FTAE Web - Web FVEAFlight Training and Aviation Education Web SearchTeam Avro Arrows

Pilot Training and Licensing

Chantal Avon

Martine Dumas

Ryan JohnsonAndrew Larsen
GALRO External - AGLIE ExterneGeneral Aviation Licensing & Registration On-lineTeam Avro Arrows

Operational Airworthiness
Marcia GeorgeAndrew Larsen
GALRO Admin - AGLIE AdminGeneral Aviation Licensing and Registration On-lineTeam Avro Arrows

Operational Airworthiness
Marcia GeorgeAndrew Larsen
Team Avro Arrows

Operational Airworthiness
Marcia GeorgeAndrew Larsen
INMAGICDB/TextworksTeam Avro Arrows(tick)
National Aircraft Certification
John DeruchiePhilippe Ngassam
LLSLearned Lessons SystemDecommissioned May 2022

Civ Av IM/IT
Edith Tremblay
MD-M - RM-MMinister's Delegate - MaintenanceTeam Avro Arrows

Operational AirworthinessBrian ClarkeDeborah MartinAndrew Larsen
MMEL - LPEMMaster Minimum Equipment ListTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft Certification

Carlos Carreiro

Kenneth Rofe

Andreas HartonoPhilippe Ngassam
MPM - MPCAircraft Registration - Manufacturer's Production MarksTeam Avro Arrows

Operational AirworthinessChristopher McCueJeff PhippsAndrew Larsen
Multitrans (MTS)MultiTransTeam Avro Arrows(tick)
Management and Resource Services Guy HoudinGuy HoudinAngèle Saumur
NACIS - SINCANational Aviation Company Information SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Commercial Flight StandardsKevin BanhDeborah MartinAndrew Larsen
NAPA - SNAPANational Aeronautical Product ApprovalTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft CertificationGreg OucharekJohn DeruchiePhilippe Ngassam
NASD - BDNSANational Aerodromes Safety DatabaseTeam Avro Arrows

Flight StandardsSarah JardineFrancis MercierAndrew Larsen
NASD Admin - BDNSA AdminNational Aerodrome Safety DatabaseTeam Avro Arrows

Flight StandardsSarah JardineFrancis MercierAndrew Larsen
NASD-NET External - BDNSA-NET ExterneNational Aerodrome Safety Database - NETTeam Avro Arrows

Flight StandardsSarah JardineFrancis MercierAndrew Larsen
NASIMS - SGINSANational Aviation Safety Information Management SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Technical Program Evaluation and Coordination

Sarah Matresky

Andrew LarsenFelix Meunier
NASIMS Back-end Processor - SGINSA Processeur dorsalNational Aviation Safety Information Management SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Technical Program Evaluation and Coordination

Sarah Matresky

Andrew LarsenFelix Meunier
NDWL - LWNDNAPA Delegate Web LinkTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft CertificationGreg OucharekJohn DeruchiePhilippe Ngassam
NDWL-Emailer - LWND-EmailerNAPA Delegate Web Link - EmailerTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft CertificationGreg OucharekJohn DeruchiePhilippe Ngassam
NICO - CELNNAPA Issued Certificates OnlineTeam Avro Arrows

National Aircraft CertificationGreg OucharekJohn DeruchiePhilippe Ngassam
NORMS - SNGINational Occurence Response Management SystemTeam Avro Arrows

Aviation Safety Policy and IntelligenceDean CiaschiniJoel MorleyPatrick Juneau
NOTAMSNotice to Airmen SystemDecommissioned July 2022

Aviation Safety Policy and Intelligence
Patrick AudyPeter Lavallee
OLS - RLEOperator List SearchTeam Avro Arrows

Commercial Flight StandardsKevin BanhDeborah MartinAndrew Larsen
OPSOnline Payment System

Management & Resource ServicesKelly HaynesGeneviève BourgeoisAngèle Saumur
RPAS-IMS AdminRemotely Piloted Aircraft System – Information Management SystemTeam Phoenix

RPAS Task Force

Alex Shadeed

Elizabeth Peltz

Ryan CoatesRyan Coates
RPAS-IMS EmailerRemotely Piloted Aircraft System – Information Management SystemTeam Phoenix

RPAS Task Force

Alex Shadeed

Elizabeth Peltz

Ryan CoatesRyan Coates
RPAS-IMS ExternalRemotely Piloted Aircraft System – Information Management SystemTeam Phoenix

RPAS Task Force

Alex Shadeed

Elizabeth Peltz

Ryan CoatesRyan Coates
RPAS-IMS Web APIRemotely Piloted Aircraft System – Information Management SystemTeam Phoenix

RPAS Task Force

Alex Shadeed

Elizabeth Peltz

Ryan CoatesRyan Coates
SCRAM - SURCSAStandardized Cost Recovery and Activity Monitoring System

Team Avro Arrows

To be replaced by APSD

National Aircraft CertificationSharon DomitsuLauren McMahonPhilippe Ngassam
SFOCSpecial Flight Operations CertificateTeam Phoenix

RPAS Task ForceSylvain BourqueAlex ShadeedRyan Coates
SPPAStandards Project Planning ApplicationDecommissioned July 2022

Technical Program Evaluation and CoordinationSebastien ArsenaultAndrew LarsenFelix Meunier
TCIDTransport Canada Inspector Database

Moved to Julie Schnaithmann

Inspector CredentialsRichard ParentDoug HickeyEmilia Warriner
TP NUMBERINGTP Numbering SystemMoved to Julie Schnaithmann

Operational Support ServicesRenée NolanDoug HickeyEmilia Warriner
TSBL_MMSTransportation Safety Board Multi-Modal Tracking SystemDecommissioned July 2022

Operational Support Services
 Joel MorleyPatrick Juneau
VLDVideo Logging DatabaseDecommissioned May 2022

Operational Support Services
Doug HickeyEmilia Warriner

Useful Links

Application Credentials and Database Coordinates (Protected)

TC Network Diagrams

Marine System Inventory (as of 2016)

Marine Applications and Systems listed on MyTC

Master APM File (RDIMS 12733094)

Contacts, URLs and UNCs

AFCCB Reports Repository


Decommissioned Applications

MSS Application Dependencies (Visio Diagram)

Quick navigation

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