How to publish SCEM Activity Calendar (SAC)

How to publish SCEM Activity Calendar (SAC)

Publishing Steps

  1. Copy the ClientSecret from Azure Key Vault: https://pcpsackv.vault.azure.net/secrets/ClientSecret/b99bb3c872cc4fb9b706e0eceec5427d

  2. Open the source code in Visual Studio: https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/Dynamics/_git/GoC.TC.Cds.StakeholderActivityCalendar?version=GBdevelop

  3. Paste the ClientSecret from Step 1 into the ClientSecret field in appsettings.json:


  4. BuildPublish


  5. Select the environment to deploy to and click Publish


  6. Done.

How Does it Work?

Create a ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT application setting in the Azure App Service Configuration blade and set its value to the same as appsettings.{environment}.json. It will use this file to apply the transform to the base appsettings.json file.

E.g. ncasacapp - Microsoft Azure

For more info, see here: Use multiple environments in ASP.NET Core

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