myTC Account Admin Console Create/Invite New User

myTC Account Admin Console Create/Invite New User

Invite New Member button on user list page and Add New User button (Accounts card in home page) take you to the invite page and allow admin user to invite a user. Inviting is a progressive reveal process on the same page. This function aims at enrolling a new user to services in MTOA, eventually grant some permissions for a given service. To invite a user, you should first search for that user.

Related Permissions/Services

Either “Create and Invite Member permission” on at least one of the services defined in Admin Console supported services on page 18 or “Create and Invite user in any service” in “myTC Account Administration” service.

In myTC Account Administration service, “Create and invite users in any service” permission in “myTC Account Administration” service allows a user to change his own permissions.

Following are the steps to invite a member (new or existing internal user) to a specific service:

  • Step 1: Create and Invite Member permission is required or a user with a special permission “Create and invite users in any service” permission in “myTC Account Administration” can also Create/add or Invite an internal user to any of the services defined in Admin Console supported services on page 18.

  • Step 2: Insert the member username or email in the search box and click on search.

  • Step 3: if the user is found, his account details are displayed and two optional fields for phone number and PKI are also available. Otherwise, an appropriate error message will be displayed.

  • Step 4: Select a service. Continue button is now enabled.

  • Step 5: Click on Continue to display permissions according to the selected service and Invite button is displayed.

  • Step 6: Click on Invite button to invite a user. Note, if the telephone number has been entered or modified with an invalid format, the form will not be submitted and an error message will be displayed.


Member Email Address or TC\Username

Enter a Windows user name or email address. You can include “TC\” at the beginning of user name to perform the search. If TC\ is not included, then it gets appended to the Windows user name. For example if you search for “myusername”, a search will be performed on “TC\MYUSERNAME”. This field is required and is case insensitive. Search is performed first in MTOA database. If unsuccessful, it will pursue to TC Directory. If the user is not found, an appropriate message is displayed. If found, account details will be displayed on the page.

The user is not found


The user is found.

Service not selected



Non PFTR, MD or iZEV Service selected


iZEV Service selected



PFTR or MD Service selected


Note: Telephone number must match Canadian format: 6139999999 / 613 999 9999 / (613) 999 999 / 613-999-9999 / (613) 999-9999.

Pilot License Number is not editable on invite page.


Services displayed in the dropdown list are those in which the user is not yet enrolled and the administrator has update permission. Once a service is selected, the Continue button will be enabled. Click on Continue to display permissions according to the selected service.


Note: With create and update user permissions, the administrator can manage all permissions in a service.

NB: With create and update user permission, admin user can manage all permissions in given service.


This button adds a user to a service in MTOA if he is found in TC Directory and he is not yet in MTOA. If the user is already in MTOA, he will be updated with his new service and permissions. The form is submitted only if the telephone number format is valid.


By clicking on cancel button, you stop the process and you are redirected to the user list page.

This guide was taken from RDIMS Word Doc #16359612