MTAPI-SRQL Language Specifications

MTAPI-SRQL Language Specifications

The following describes MTAPI-SRQL language: the MTOA Service Request Query Language used to perform filtering of Service Requests

via the  “POST /api/v1/servicerequests/query” endpoint.

 The MTAPI-SRQL language allows Service Request to be filtered using a set of filter type. The current supported types are:

  • Status

  • PlaceOfSupply

  • ServiceAttributes

  • RegulatedEntity-{REGULATED_ENTITY_ID}

Note the following use-cases are currently using the dataset available in MTOA-PLATFORM-TEST.


  • Query Service Requests but also include the Service Request Status History associated with each Service Request

This can be done by setting the "IncludeStatusHistory" property to true.

{ "UserId": 10005, "IncludeStatusHistory": true, "Page": 1, "PageSize": 25, }

The returned Service Request List payload will include the Service Request Status history within each Service Request in as follow:

{ "ServiceRequests": [ ... { "StatusHistory": [ { "ServiceHistoryEntryId": 12054, "Status": "Submitted", "EnglishDisplayName": "Submitted", "FrenchDisplayName": "Soumise", "Date": "2021-08-18T18:34:41", "ServiceCategoryCode": "ON", "ServiceStandardId": 0 }, { "ServiceHistoryEntryId": 12051, "Status": "InProgress", "EnglishDisplayName": "In-Progress", "FrenchDisplayName": "En cours", "Date": "2021-08-19T18:34:33", "ServiceCategoryCode": "OFF", "ServiceStandardId": 0 } ], "DateUpdatedUtc": "2021-08-18T22:34:41", }
  • Query a list of Service Request Assignees by specifying user Ids (the Assignees) in a comma delimited list

{   "Assignees": "11577,11578",   "IncludeRegulatedEntities": true,   "Page": 1,   "PageSize": 25 }


  • Query a list of Services by specifying the Service Ids in a comma delimited list

Because different services might not support the same Metadata fields, ExcludeMetadata must be set to true.


  • Query a list of ServiceRequests by specifying the Service Request Ids in a comma delimited list

Because different ServicesRquests might not support the same Metadata fields, ExcludeMetadata must be set to true.


  • Include the Regulated Entities data inside the dataset that contains a list of Service Requests

  • Query a single regulated entity such using an IMO number

  • The query needs to support full matches for the IMO number


IMO could be replaced by any of the Regulated Entity Identifiers: {VESSEL_NM, CDN_SHIP_IND, IMO, OFFICIAL_NO}

  • That query needs to support partial matches for Vessel Names

The .Contains('text') indicates partial matches.

  • Query a list of ServiceAttributes (by specifying the ServiceAttribute Ids in a comma delimited list)


  • Query a list of ServiceRequest Statuses (by specifying the ServiceRequest Statuses in a comma delimited list)

  • We should be able to use the filters in multiple permutations




However the following adding multiple variants of the same filter attribute is not permitted


The difference between this filter and the previous examples is that RegulatedEntity-IMO OR  RegulatedEntity- OFFICIAL_NO are the same filter type RegulatedEntity



"Filter": "Status='Draft’  OR Status=’InProgress’ is not supported but "Filter": "Status='Draft, InProgress’ is supported.


  • Query a list of ServiceRequest using a Date Range using the “DateRangeUtc” keyword

DateRangeUtc=20210802 - Query the date for a single given day (inclusive)
DateRangeUtc=20210802-20210802 - Query the date for a given range (inclusive)

  • Specifying a Sort Order


OrderBy Syntax

OrderBy-{Id|Date}={Asc|Ascending|Desc|Descending} the query itself is case insensitive


OrderBy-Id=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Asc
OrderBy-Date=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Date=Asc
OrderBy-Id=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Id (without using a sort direction)
OrderBy-Date=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Date (without using a sort direction)

OrderBy Syntax

OrderBy-{Id|Date}={Asc|Ascending|Desc|Descending} the query itself is case insensitive


OrderBy-Id=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Asc
OrderBy-Date=Ascending is the same as OrderBy-Date=Asc
OrderBy-Id=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Id (without using a sort direction)
OrderBy-Date=Descending is the same as OrderBy-Id=Desc and is the same as OrderBy-Date (without using a sort direction)

Know Issues

  • PlaceOfSupply is case sensitive

  • If an unsupported type is being used, it will be discarded .
    Service Requests will be retrieving without taking that condition into account.

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