How to Submit a Learning Activity Request (LAR)

How to Submit a Learning Activity Request (LAR)

“ Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school ” - Albert Einstein

In order to gain higher learning and understanding, a LAR must be submitted for approval.


  1. Open Citrix Receiver or connect by VPN
  2. Run the BIRM Portal application LAR creation page
  3. Click the button to Create New LAR
  4. Fill-out the form as appropriate
    1. For Learning Activity, click the magnifying glass.
    2. Select # Other Activity.
  5. Coordinator is mentioned below in the info.
  6. Click Submit button

Please note that as of November 2023, Lakshmi Chopra is our new LAR coordinator. All LAR requests should be submitted to her in the system.

Veuillez svp prendre note qu’à partir de novembre 2023, Lakshmi Chopra est notre nouvelle coordonnatrice des demandes d’activités d’apprentissage. Toutes les demandes d’apprentissage devront être soumis à son nom.