Evaluations (SLE)

Evaluations (SLE)

Please ensure that when you provide a name, that you haven’t already provided that name before the 30 days waiting period between 2 exams.
If they do the exam before the 30 days retesting period, the new result will not count


Also, our HR Advisors have asked us to please use the below blurb for First Language Evaluations in our Narrative against SOMCs (updated template attached):


  1. Fill out the form 10-0566: http://tcapps/Corp-Serv-Gen/5/Forms-Formulaires/telecharger/10-0566_BI_PX

    1. Put in the comments 3 preferred test dates

  2. Also need an approval e-mail from the delegated manager (must have Section 32 financial delegation)

  3. Must include copy of Reading and Writing results – as PDFs (only way PSC accepts them)

  4. Send all the above to ollo.ncr-rcn@tc.gc.ca

SLE Flex 3 is only valid for the appointment period.

If you receive a promotion or deploy to a new box, your SLE results will not be transferable.