

System Profile

System Full NameMarine Inspector's Bookshelf
Business ContactGino Wael
TC Oversight Application Contact

MyTC Oversight / Surveillance monTC (TC) <TC.MyTCoversight-SurveillancemonTC.TC@tc.gc.ca>

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System Overview


Good To Know

Troubleshooting steps for MTCO


What is MIB?

  • MIB is not an application
  • It is simply a web page that links to other pages and files
  • It is stored inside of \\tc.gc.ca\tcdata\TCDATASTORE\Reference
  • Users commonly access It through a shortcut that is stored in the MTCO Reference Center, but they do not have to go through the reference center to access it
  • Because of this common practice, users commonly associate MIB with MTCO to the point of thinking that they are the same “application” even though MIB is not an application

What is Reference Center?

Reference Center is a file browser that allows users to access and bookmark files that are stored at \\tc.gc.ca\tcdata\TCDATASTORE\Reference\MyTCOversight

The goal of Reference Center is to put reference materials for TC employees in one place, and make it so that the files can be accessed without an internet connection. It’s important to understand though that MTCO itself does not make the offline file access possible. That is done by an AD security group, called TC NCR Users Reference (there are regional variations, all listed in the attached document). Once applied, the security group causes the user to have \\tc.gc.ca\tcdata\TCDATASTORE\Reference\MyTCOversight mapped to their M: drive and have the “always available offline” option checked off for the drive. This means that the offline file sync is handled by the “Offline Files” function that is built into Windows.

Common issues

  • A user opens the reference center and can’t see any files at all.
    • Solution: make sure that the user is in the appropriate Users Reference AD group and that they have restarted their computer and connected to GCSRA since being added.
  • A user gets an error while trying to open the MIB from within Reference Center
  • The user still gets an error from visiting the direct link
    • They may not have permissions. Check whether they are in one of the MIB Users security groups. There are a few, such as “ATL MIB Users”
    • If permissions are needed, they can be granted by Manny Bou-Mitry
    • If the user still gets an error, they are probably suffering from a very slow connection to the file servers.
      • Solution 1: ask the user to leave their PC on and connected to GCSRA over night. This will give it a chance to download an offline cache of the M drive files.
        The next day, they can try accessing MIB while DISCONNECTED from the VPN. This will force the PC to use the offline cache instead of waiting for the network version of the files and timing out
      • Solution 2: ask the user to try visiting the MIB link over Citrix

MTCO users network security group

User are required to be a member of the MTCO users network security group. (ie. ALT MIB Users)

Use CMD prompt, run as administrator, c:\>net user <user id> /domain


How-To and Fixes

Add new users

Contact to add client access to app: Mike Henry or Manny Bou-Mitry

Access to the MIB - Bug 26813

How to access the Marine Inspector’s Bookshelf (MIB), version 35 through the myTC Oversight

MIB Restricted file access

I am not able to access the Marine Inspectors Bookshelf on my desktop.  When I open the application it loads properly and I can select the Reference Center.  As soon as I go to access the MIB, I receive an error message saying restricted file and I do not have access.

Re-install myTC Oversight and see if it works, follow installation instructions in -  http://mytc/RDIMS/12352459

Check if you’re able to view the MIB through this link:  file://tc.gc.ca/tcdata/TCDATASTORE/Reference/Marine-Maritime/MIB-BIN/en/index.html

Problem :

Users cannot access myTC Oversight offline and are unable to properly use the synchronization feature, which allows them to view myTC offline.

Users should leave their PC on and connected overnight to GCSRA, so that they have a better chance of the sync working because there is less network activity

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