

Work Load Management Service (WLM) is a system to help each line of business to manage their work load without need of developing backend services to fulfill their requirement. WLM can also integrate with Cost Recovery Service Management (CRSM) system to provide seamless supports of Fee Modernization for TC all line of business. The WLM is utilizing following application services to fulfill this initiatives.

List of Value Service (LOV): Enables other applications or APIs to connect to the TC common list of value information for Line of Business.

Work Load Management Service (WLM): Enables Line Of Business or other applications to connect to the Work Load Management system to manage Work load items.

EDA (Event Driven Architecture) Service: Provides data consistency while maintain services availability.

MyTC Account Application Programming Interface (MTAPI): service that has been built to leverage any MTOA functionality that is available through the MTOA BLL or the MTOA.Web.Service.Client. It can be used seamlessly right away or through a NuGet package updates.

Service Inventory Application Programming Interface (SIAPI): a service that provide capabilities for other applications to connect to the Service Inventory to access information about services and fees.

Service Performance API (SPAPI): Enables other applications to connect to the SPR to upload performance information and receive invoice and remission information.

Time Management API (TMAPI): Enables other applications to record time entry data against service requests.