Troubleshooting Agent Problems
Troubleshooting Agent Problems
A build was failing on the Checkout step:
Git fetch failed with exit code: 1
The detailed log showed the following:
![rejected] CORALv2.3.0 → CORALv2.3.0 (would clobber existing tag)
- This was happening after we had followed the procedures to remove a file from our repo's history (see this page). This process updates the hashing algorithms (SHAs) of existing commits.
- It seems the build server was unable to perform a fetch of the repository. The best solution in this case was to remove the existing repository from the build server and have it retrieve it from scratch.
- To do this we simply had to remove the existing "_work" directory on the build server. On our build server (ncrws494) this lived at the following location: D:\Software\vsts-agent-win-x64-2.149.2.
- After doing this we re-queued the build and it worked like a charm.
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