TSIS 2.0 - Daily Standup

TSIS 2.0 - Daily Standup

Developer Rotation

  • The developer who is hosting the Daily Standup will also report for the Scrum of Scrums


  1. Leon

  2. Don

  3. Derek

  4. Robert

  5. Elena

  6. Danvi

  7. Hamza

PBI/Bugs States to Review

  • Committed

  • Test

  • Test Passed

  • Ready

  • On Hold

  • Blocked

When reviewing each state you have to open each PBI/Bug and ask for a quick update on it. The whole purpose of this is to keep an eye on items in the sprint so they don’t get lost in the shuffle.


Note about viewing the last update

  • You can always view the last update to a work item by looking at the top right-hand corner.