Communities of practice

TC Design

Communities of practice

MAACE UX Community 

The MAACE UX Community is composed of UX researchers and designers from Marine and Civil Aviation projects. The community meets every two weeks on Wednesday mornings. Meetings use one of the following formats: 

  • Knowledge share on best practices: A participant presents best practices that we have, or would like to adopt, in MAACE for solving common UX challenges. They may then lead a discussion or activity on the topic.   

  • Design feedback session: A participant presents a current work item to seek feedback from the UX community. (Please see MAACE Design Feedback Sessions)

  • Demo or tutorial: A participant gives a demo of a tool or technique they are using and shares how this is impacting their project. 

  • Webinar viewing session: The community gets together to watch an educational webinar and discuss what they have learned. 

  • Lean coffee: This is an informal meeting designed to allow participants to set the agenda as they go. Attendees choose what they want to discuss by voting on suggested topics. 

  • Social: A few times a year, the community will host get-togethers like lunches, games and activities to get to know one another better and celebrate events.  

MAACE UX Community meetings are facilitated by the UX Enablement team. Our goal is to foster a community that encourages collaboration, inspires continuous learning, and values curiosity. The UX Enablement team can be reached through the UX and Service Design channel on Teams. 

Transport Canada Design Community of Practice 

The Transport Canada Design Community of Practice (TC Design CoP) meets once a month on Thursday mornings, with a break in the summer. TC Design CoP meetings are facilitated by the Service Improvement Team (SIT). The SIT can be reached through the TC Design CoP email: TC.DesignCommunityofPractice-CommunauteDePratiqueSurLedesign.TC@tc.gc.ca  

Government of Canada UX Community of Practice 

The Government of Canada UX Community of Practice (GC UX CoP) has recently launched and is hosting their first meeting on June 20, 2024. GC UX CoP meetings are facilitated by members of the UX community from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Strategic Web Infinitives team at Service Canada. To register, please visit Register: Government of Canada UX Community of Practice 


International government UX communities 

International Design in Government 

The International Design in Government community is a group of design-minded people from governments all over the world. The purpose is to learn from each other, share best practice and design patterns, and discuss shared challenges so that we can try and work on them together. 

International Design in Government (gov-design.com) 

GOV.UK User Research Community 

The user research community exists to: 

  • develop user research knowledge and skills across government 

  • discuss and challenge the way government carries out user research to improve services and content 

  • bring together people with an interest in improving user research practices across government 

User research community - Service Manual - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

UX communities in the National Capital Region (NCR) 


Capital Computer-Human Interaction (CapCHI) is a social and professional society of people who work as UX/UI designers, researchers, educators, software developers, web designers, graphic designers and human factors engineers in the National Capital Region in and around Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 

CapCHI – Computer-Human Interaction in the National Capital of Canada 

IxDA Ottawa 

Interaction Design Association (IxDA) Ottawa explores topics of IxD, IA, UX and design in general. 

IxDA Ottawa (@IXDAottawa) 

TC Design