TC Design
Design student onboarding process
This process is designed to take place in parallel with the HR onboarding process found here: HR & Staffing
Before the first day – Pre-onboarding
1. Student engagement planning meeting
Two months before the student’s first day, host a meeting between UX Enablement and the project team (design mentor and team lead) to discuss the student engagement:
Review the student role and performance objectives
Ensure that the design mentor feels comfortable enabling the student to job shadow with them
Ensure that the design mentor has the time and capacity to answer questions and provide support
Discuss how the student’s progress and development will be tracked
Plan touchpoints
2. Welcome email
Send a UX community welcome email
Introduce the UX Enablement team and provide contact information
Let the student know that the UX Enablement team is available to them if they encounter any challenges with their project team
Share the link to the New designer handbook
Share the link to the UX and Service Design Teams channel
3. Invitation to Marine and Civil Aviation UX meetings
Share the invitation for the bi-weekly Marine and Civil Aviation UX meetings.
The first day
1. Student engagement kickoff meeting
Host a meeting between UX Enablement, the design student, their team lead, and their mentor to:
Discuss the student’s role, including tasks and responsibilities
Discuss the student’s goals
Review design student performance objectives
Plan touchpoints
Let the student know that the UX Enablement team is available to them if they encounter any challenges with their project team
The first week
1. Schedule second touchpoint
Schedule the second touchpoint meeting in one month between UX Enablement, the design student, their team lead, and their mentor.
2. Design onboarding
UX Enablement will host the design student for 2 days of UX onboarding. These days will be coordinated with the student’s team lead and mentor to accommodate for TC student orientation and mandatory training.
The first month
1. Introduction to Marine and Civil Aviation UX community
Introduce the design student at a Marine and Civil Aviation UX meeting.
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TC Design