Vessel Registry relationship with other systems
Current state
MSDTS is searching vessel against different databases based on the Service Request type and sub-type.
SR Type | SR Subtype | Databases |
Domestic Vessel Certification |
Off-Ship Inspection | Construction, Manufacture, Tests of Materials | None |
Compliance Inspection |
| None |
Coasting Trade and Authorization for Clearance |
Cargo and Shipping |
Enforcement |
The old code in inc_NTARS_Pop_SearchSRNewVessels, was searching against the SRCS system only using mv007_vrqs but that was replaced with the new code which searches against the SIRS database using the view SIRS.VW001_SIRS_SRCS_VESSEL. The query is attached as VW001_SIRS_SRCS_VESSEL.sql for more detail. This view first searches for the vessels in the SRCS database which official number exists in the SIRS database and then searches vessels in the SIRS database whose official number doesn't exist in SRCS.
According to Terry, the response was slow while accessing SIRS and SRCS separately and the view VW001_SIRS_SRCS_VESSEL already exists in the SIRS so they had used that view instead of going to the SRCS database directly.
Note 1 : For the coasting trade SIRS file number must be required.