Intake Form / Formulaire de demande

Intake Form / Formulaire de demande

*In review

CivAv Intake Process

This is an overview of the DSD-CivAv triage and intake process.  Please review this process to familiarize yourself with how demand input for the Civil Aviation team’s application portfolio will be managed.

Intake Form

All clients from CivAv can fill out this form to create a new request (available in English and French). It is important to mention that this form was created to concentrate the intakes and enable an automated process with DevOps.

Microsoft Forms

The form is available on MS Teams too:


When a client fills out this form, a PBI or a Bug will be created automatically in the DSD-CIVAV Support Backlog and an e-mail will be sent to the client with the ID of the PBI/Bug so that they can track their request directly on DevOps (facilitating access to information, transparency and adding value to the organizational process).


Main page of the Request Intake Form



Azure Automation

The mechanism used to create this automation was the Logic Apps available in Azure.


Logic Apps

Azure Resource Group


Updating the Form

To update the form, go to Microsoft Forms on Office 365 and click on Request Intake Form.

NOTE: Any modifications made to the form are automatically updated for users.

The form can be edited from the link here: Civil Aviation - Request Intake Form (Edit) Microsoft Forms (office.com)

Application entries can be added to, and edited within the dropdown list


Once the application entry has been added to the dropdown list, the area path needs to be added to the Support Team Board (Team Skyblazers or Team Avro Arrows) in order for the tickets generated from the “Intake Form” to be automatically added to the “New” column of the appropriate maintenance team backlog. This can be done in DevOps via: Project Settings | Teams | Team <Maintenance Team Name> | Iterations and Area Paths | Areas, ensuring that the Area Path for the entry just added to the Intake Form dropdown is added to the Areas list (as per below for the newly added “Bookings Tool” entry).