

System Profile

System Full Name

Minister's Delegate - Maintenance

System Full Name (French)

Représentant du ministre - Maintenance

Business Administrator

Brian Clarke

Business Owner

Deborah Martin


Felix Meunier

Subject Matter Expert

Chris Boivin





Source Location


Source Code Location


Migration to DevOps

New Source Code Location (DevOps)

https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/DSD-CIVAV Support/_git/CAS-SAC/branches

Technology Assessment

Platform Type

Web (Internal)

Database Platform and Version

Oracle 18C

Development Language and Framework

Classic ASP

Operating System and Version

Windows Server 2016

Additional Dependencies




Environment Access Information






System Overview

Authorized persons, other than Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors, who provide a service to the public for the import/export of aircraft in Canada. Minister’s Delegates – Maintenance (MD-M) authorized persons can issue Certificates of Airworthiness and Special Certificates of Airworthiness - Restricted, with respect to imported, certified aircraft. Additionally, they can issue Export Airworthiness Certificates in respect to used aircraft.

Personnes autorisées, autres que les inspecteurs de la sécurité de l'aviation civile, qui fournissent un service au public pour l'importation / exportation d'aéronefs au Canada. Les personnes autorisées par les délégués ministériels - Maintenance (MD-M) peuvent délivrer des certificats de navigabilité et des certificats spéciaux de navigabilité - restreints, en ce qui concerne les aéronefs importés et certifiés. De plus, ils peuvent délivrer des certificats de navigabilité d'exportation pour les aéronefs d'occasion.


The data in the Minister's Delegate - Maintenance web site exists in the NACIS application in the following modules:

Company-->Search-->By Minister’s Delegate

Good To Know

Minister's Delegate - Maintenance is also referenced on the following web pages:

Civil aviation online services and applications - Civil aviation online services and applications

Services en ligne de l’aviation civile et applications - Services en ligne de l’aviation civile et applications


The code for MD-M exists under CAS

How-To and Fixes

<Sub-sections should describe how to address known support request, including any scripts, instructions / steps, etc… >