Request details editing

Request details editing

Prerequisite: Access to WLM, Request ID

Some fields are not editable using the CAMMS edit request page, such as the MER date.

Here’s the steps to fix any of these fields:

  1. Connect to the Swagger page Workload Manager

    1. Dev: https://ncdsafsecsurapp-work-management-service.azurewebsites.net/swagger/index.html

    2. Acc: https://nctsafsecsurapp-work-management-service.azurewebsites.net/swagger/index.html

    3. Prod: https://pcpsafsecsurapp-work-management-service.azurewebsites.net/swagger/index.html

  2. Using the “/api/v1/workitems/{id}” API call, query the API using the request id. Copy the JSON response into a text editor.
    Note: If you do not have the request id, you may be able to find the request using the “/api/v1/workitems/detailcolumnquery/workitems“ API call using the file number or the MER date.

  3. Inside the “detail” field, change the values that are incorrect.

  4. Put the modified response into the request body of “/api/v1/workitems“.

  5. If you have access, confirm that the changes appear in the CAMMS edit request page.