How to make Space visible to anyone

How to make Space visible to anyone

Many of the Confluence spaces are only visible to users hat have a confluence account. If you want to allow anyone without an account to access your space you need to allow the space to have anonymous viewing.


Allowing anonymous viewing open the page to anyone with internet access, that is TC employees and the general public. While confluence should never be used to protected data you may also want to make sure your pages within the space convey information you want to share with anyone.


To allow the space and all pages within the space to be available to view for anyone without requiring a Confluence License:  

  1. Open you Space and select the Space Setting

  2.   In Space Settings navigate to the Permissions Tab and scroll down the page to the Anonymous Access section:


  3. Select the Edit Permissions and click the View  checkbox.. When done Select Save All   


  4. You should see only the View option checked for anonymous users

  5. This will allow the space and all pages within the space to be available to view for anyone without requiring a Confluence License.  

If you want to remove a page for viewing you need to edit the restrictions for the page(s)  Note: the restrictions are an inherited process so all pages un the main will also get the same restrictions, so you do not need to update each page you want to remove.

  1.  On the page you want to update with restrictions open it and click on the Lock icon


  2. In the restrictions dialog Change to Only specific people can view or edit

  3. To make sure that your authorized users can still edit you will need to add them to the restrictions, in the Type a user name or group enter the name or group you want to use.  You can use the default group of confluence-users to allow anyone with a confluence account to be able to Edit or View as well as add you own users or groups.  When done click the apply button and this will effectively remove the page from external viewing and open it only to authorized accounts


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