Creating a Service Request with the cost-recovery API
Creating a Service Request with the cost-recovery API
[POST] /api/v2/servicerequests
JSON format:
"UserId": 0,
"ServiceId": 0,
"OrganizationId": 0,
"Status": "Unknown",
"EnglishDisplayName": "string",
"FrenchDisplayName": "string",
"MetadataStructureId": 0,
"ServiceAttributeId": 0,
"Comment": "string",
"RequesterId": 0,
"MailCoordinateId": 0,
"PlaceOfSupply": "string"
PlaceOfSupply needs to be a valid value: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT
Fields with an id of 0 need to be a valid integer, null, or removed from the POST
"UserId": 1234,
"ServiceId": 1,
"OrganizationId": null,
"Status": "Draft",
"EnglishDisplayName": "My Service Request",
"FrenchDisplayName": "Ma demande de service",
"MetadataStructureId": null,
"ServiceAttributeId": 321,
"Comment": "This is my first service request.",
"RequesterId": null,
"MailCoordinateId": null,
"PlaceOfSupply": "ON"