myTC Account Micro-services (MTAPI)

myTC Account Micro-services (MTAPI)

The myTC Account platform provides data services available (exposed) through Web APIs to handle all the database related transactions. The data services are distributed across several areas including:

  • Accounts

  • Application

  • Artifacts

  • EmailNotification

  • Organization

  • ServiceRequests

  • Services

  • Users

For further reference, see “Modules / Managers”.

What is the myTC Account Sample Web Service?

The myTC Account Sample Web Service is a service that has been built using the MTOA.Service.Framework library leveraging any MTOA functionality that is available through the MTOA BLL or the MTOA.Web.Service.Client. It can be used seamlessly right away or through a NuGet package update.

Where can I find the source?

The Source Code is available here can be located here:

https://dev.azure.com/ETP/myTCAccount Integration Samples/_git/myTCAccountServiceRequestSampleApplication

What can I do if I don’t have access to the source code?

Send an email to Ali Saoud and request the required access.

How can I use a Sample Controller?

Proceed to review the SampleController file (Controllers\SampleController.cs). Then, inject any MTOA I{SomethingSomething}Manager or API you might need in the constructor.

Will I be calling the MTOA database directly?

No, the platform has been designed to prevent this.

Can I still make Oracle DB database calls to a TC legacy database using Oracle Managed DataAccess Client or Entity Framework?

Yes, this functionality is enabled in the Web.Config file.

Does the platform support .NET Core?

Although the MTOA.Web.Service.Client does support .NET Core, the MTOA.Web.Service.Core does not at this time.

Please check at a later time, as we are continuously making improvements to the platform.