Viewing and Submitting an Accelerated Form

Viewing and Submitting an Accelerated Form

Now that you have created your form, it is ready to be used.

  1. Navigate to the public-facing interface:
    The acronym is unique to your service form, and was provided when you first created your form.
    You can also find this acronym in the title of the tabs on the FormBuilder Admin UI main page.
    In the previous tutorial, we named the form “MYFORM-MONFORM”, so our URL in this case is:

    After logging in via GCKey, your service request list page will look something like this:

    Figure 1.0 - The accelerated forms service request dashboard


  2. To start a new service request, click “Create new”.
    Step 1 of your form appears:

    Figure 2.0 - Step 1


  3. Fill out the required fields, and click “Next”.
    Step 2 of your form appears:

  4. Fill out the required fields, and click “Next”.
    The review/summary page appears:

    Here you can review your service request and make any changes by clicking “Previous“ or “Edit information” beside the respective section.
    Clicking “Cancel” will return you back to the service request list page where you can choose to edit and submit your request at another time.
    When you are ready to submit your service request, click “Submit”.

  5. A confirmation page indicating that your service request was successfully submitted will be displayed:

    Here you can provide a star rating and feedback comments (optional).
    Clicking “Return to My Requests” returns you to the service request list page where you can create more service requests, or edit/view your other service requests.

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