Assessment - Covid Procedures

Assessment - Covid Procedures

Below are procedures on how to complete supervised self-assessments for French language testing.

  • reading

  • writing

  • oral

Reading and Writing Test

Step 1

Candidate & Manager schedule a teams meeting where they’ll complete the online testing within the appropriate amount of time (they allow 45 minute for the written exam and 60 minutes for the reading exam)

Step 2

Complete written and reading test links online:

Step 3

  • At the end of the exam, they’ll share their screen and show the results.

  • Then capture a screen shot of the results, and email* them for their staffing file. 

  • Email can be sent to HR advisor Laurena Murdock (laurena.murdock@tc.gc.ca) or Manager for forwarding 


Oral Testing:

  • Book a meeting with a fully bilingual Manager (meaning Manager’s first language is French, or they have very high levels – EEE type of thing).

  • Manager has a discussion with the candidate to determine what level they think the candidate would obtain.

  • Test takers will be evaluated based on assessment criteria provided to assessors.