Vessel Registry - Services Provided
Troy Bradley
Justin Green (Unlicensed)
Guided Process: How to register or license your vessel
Pre-production web site that appears to have been created by COMMS group at Transport Canada. Presents an updated and more user-friendly guided flow to help users find out if they need to either register or license their vessel and provides them with a list of forms that need to be completed and submitted.
- Site: http://tcwwwpreprod/en/services/marine/vessel-licensing-registration/find-out-license-register-vessel.html
- Code: \\tctestmaster\tcwwwtest\en\services\marine\vessel-licensing-registration
Large Vessel Services Provided
Based on (3rd party) and Canadian Register of Vessels (TC)
NOTE: Is there a difference between "transmission" and "transfer"?
Italicized entries mean I'm not sure if this belongs here.
Service | Description | Form(s) Required |
Change of address | Change the address of a vessel currently registered under Canadian Register of Vessels (not applicable to Pleasure Crafts??). | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
First time registration | Registration gives title to a vessel and proves legal ownership and may also be used for a loan. Registration ensures a unique name for the vessel in Canada and allows the vessel to fly the Canadian flag. | Form 4A (85-0405) / Form 4B (85-0470) if vessel is under 15m |
Transfer of ownership | Applies to vessels registered under the Canadian Register of Vessels (TC). This will transfer the vessel’s official number to a new owner. NOTE: This does not apply to pleasure crafts with licence numbers on the bow. Example licence format: 1X111111, 11X111111, or XX111111. | Form 6 (84-0015) (or anything that has the same info) |
Change vessel name/Port of registry | Allows the owner or authorized representative to change a vessel’s name or port of registry. | |
Alteration to vessel's current specs | Alterations must be reported the same way in which the vessel was first registers; if the vessel was registered by way of certificate of survey or marine safety inspector, the changes must be made by certificate of survey or marine safety inspector. You must contact a duly appointed tonnage measurer and they will complete the form. If the vessel was measured by the Simplified Method, a letter from you indicating changes as well as a signature of a marine safety inspector will be required. | If measured by survey, Form 4 If measured by Simplified Method, Form 4A (85-0405) or Form 4B (85-0470) only if vessel is under 15m. If measured by Assigned Formal Tonnage, owner must simply report changes in writing |
Issuance of a Deletion Certificate | A deletion will provide proof of closing of a vessel’s Canadian registry, free and clear of all encumbrances. This will also provide a “Deletion Certificate”. | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
Closing out | Cancelling the Registration of a vessel. This is done for a variety of reasons e.g. owner wants a Pleasure Craft License, vessel is being sold foreign, etc. | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
Mortgage of a vessel | Mortgage recorded against the vessel currently registered under the Canadian Register of Vessels. Mortgage cannot be recorded against the vessel unless it has a valid certificate of Registry. | |
Discharge of a Mortgage | ||
Builder's Mortgage | ||
Provisional Certificate of Registry | A Provisional Certificate of Registry form temporarily allows a registered owner to move a vessel while awaiting completion of the Certificate of Registration. It may also allow for the movement of a vessel to a foreign country in the event that a buyer lives outside of Canada and the vessel must to be transported to the new owner. | |
Transmission on death/bankruptcy | Transfer of vessel in the event of death or bankruptcy. | |
Historical Research (ODATA or GraphQL feed?) | Historical Research of a vessel provides information from the Ship Registration Computer System Database from 1984 to present, or from microfilm if the vessel was registered prior to 1984. NOTE: In order to search information on a registered or closed vessel, we require the Official Number and/or the Vessel Name. It is impossible to do a search without this information. Please be advised this is for registered vessels only, NOT vessels licensed under the Pleasure Craft Licensing system. | Payment Form 5 (84-0185) |
Bare Boat Charter | “Bare-boat Charter" means a vessel charter agreement under which the charterer has complete possession and control of the vessel, including the right to appoint its master and crew. This application must be completed and signed by the Bare-Boat Charterer who is also known as the Authorized Representative and must be qualified to bare-boat charter a vessel registered in Canada. Qualifications to own a vessel registered in Canada are set out in Section 2 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 under "Qualified person". The process for bare-boat charter registration must be similar in both countries – conditional/provisional registration is not permitted. | |
Registry of a government owned vessel | First registration of a government vessel for provincial or federal government only. | Payment Form 5 (84-0185) (for provincial gov only) |
Declaration for Marine Mortgage | If the mortgagee is unable to provide the mortgage deed which was endorsed by the Vessel Registration Office when the mortgage was registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels | Form 11 (84-0189) |
Appointment of Authorized Representative | Form 14 (84-0035) | |
Description of Vessel Under Construction in Canada |
Small Vessel Registry
Italicized entries mean I'm not sure if this belongs here.
Service | Description | Form(s) Required |
Change of address | Change the address of a vessel currently registered under Canadian Register of Vessels (not applicable to Pleasure Crafts??). | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
First Time Registration | Registry is for small non-pleasure craft vessels 10 HP (7.5kw) or more. This also includes commercial river rafts. You must be registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels if your non-pleasure vessel weighs over 15 gross tons. Use Form 21 for fleet registration. | Form 4A (85-0405) OR Form 4B (85-0470) if vessel is under 15m Proof of Ownership |
Transfer of Ownership | Allows change/transfer of ownership. Use Form 21 for fleet registration. | |
Small Vessel Renewal | Renew Certificate of Registry. Use Form 21 for fleet registration. | |
First Registration of Government Owned Vessel | Same as First Time Registration but for government-owned vessel. | Payment Form 24 (84-0183) (provincial gov only) |
Transfer of Ownership – Government Owned Vessel | Same as Transfer but for government-owned vessel. | Payment Form 24 (84-0183) (provincial gov only) |
Renewal of Government Owned Vessel | Same as Renewal but for government-owned vessel. | Payment Form 24 (84-0183) (provincial gov only) |
Transmission on death/bankruptcy | Transfer of vessel in the event of death or bankruptcy. | |
Appointment of Authorized Representative | Form 14 (84-0035) | |
Registration of Commercial River Raft | ||
Transfer of Commercial River Raft | ||
Renewal of Commercial River Raft |
Supporting Forms (not services)
Transaction | Description | Form |
Statement of Qualification for Vessel Registration | This form is a declaration that the client is qualified to register a vessel in Canada. Owners of one or more vessels registered or to be registered in the Small Vessel Register are required to complete only 1 Statement of Qualification. | Form 3 (84-0002) |
Simplified Method of Tonnage Measurement | To be used for the tonnage measurement of monohull vessels of not more than 15 metres in Tonnage Measurement Length (TML), having not more than a single tier of deckhouses and/or superstructures whose total combined length does not exceed 70% of TML. | Form 4A (85-0405) |
Tonnage Measurement of a Simple Multihull Vessel | To be used for vessels of not more than 15 metres in Length Overall, consisting of a flat platform installed on two or more pontoon hulls and having no other spaces that could contribute to the volume of the vessel except the pontoons. | Form 4B (85-0470) |
Bill of Sale | This form is used as proof of ownership for First Registration and Transfers. The document is worded such that full transfer of ownership (including receipt of any relevant payment) is implicit. it is signed by the seller. | Form 6 (84-0015) |
Declaration | First Registry - Require that the client provide documentation showing the sequence of ownership from the builder to themselves. If they are unable to provide the full sequence, they can complete the declaration. Transfer of Ownership - Where the current owner of a vessel is unable to provide the required documents of title for the transfer of ownership of a small commercial vessel from the current registered owner(s) and to themselves. If they are unable to do so, they must complete a declaration. | Form 23 (84-0178) |
Builder's Certificate for First Title in Canada | This document is provided to show ownership of the person for whom a vessel is built. It is most commonly provided in the case of newly-built vessels but is accepted as part of ownership sequence for any first registration. | Form 2 (84-0040) |
Transaction List (large vs small vessel)
Large Vessel (SRCS) Transaction List | Small Vessel Register Transaction List |
Alteration (notice) Alteration (registry) | Alteration |
Appointment of Authorized Rep. | Appointment of Authorized Rep. |
Bareboat In (start) Bareboat In (extension) Bareboat In (end) | Bareboat In (start) Bareboat In (extension) Bareboat In (Eend) |
Bareboat Out (start) Bareboat Out (extension) Bareboat Out (end) | Bareboat Out (start) Bareboat Out (extension) Bareboat Out (end) |
Cancel Registry Certificate | Court Injunction |
Certificate of Registry Certificate of Registry (batch renewal) Certificate of Registry (renewal) Certificate of Registry (replacement) | Print Certificate of Registry |
Certified True Copy | |
Change of Address (authorized rep.) Change of Address (mortgagee/assignee) Change of Address (owner) | Change of Address (authorized rep.) Change of Address (owner) |
Change of Name (authorized rep.) Change of Name (mortgagee/assignee) Change of Name (owner) Change of Name (vessel) | Change of Name (authorized rep.) Change of Name (owner) |
Closing-Out (registry) | Closing-Out |
Court Injunction (new) Court Injunction (removal) | |
Deletion Certificate | Deletion Certificate |
First Registry | First Registry |
General text | |
Historical Research | Historical Research |
Mortgage/Assignment (discharge by state) Mortgage/Assignment (new) Mortgage/Assignment (transfer) Mortgage/Assignment (discharge by origin) | |
Official Number (pre-issuance) | |
PCR (new) PCR (replacement) | Provisional Certificate (new) Provisional Certificate (replacement) |
Print Suspension Certificate | |
Priority Agreement | |
Recording (bldrs mtg/assignment) Recording (vessel) | |
Reinstatement (registry) | Reinstatement (restore) |
Request Port Transfer Request Port Transfer (complete) | |
Re-registry | Re-registration |
Registry Renewal Renewal Certificate (print) | |
Special Sale | |
Suspension (registry) | Suspension Suspension (print) |
Transcript (certified) Transcript (uncertified) | Transcript |
Transfer In (register) | Transfer to LVR |
Transfer Out (register) | Transfer from LVR |
Transfer (ownership) | Transfer (ownership) |
Transmission (bankruptcy-mortgagee/assignee) Transmission (bankruptcy-owner) Transmission (death-mortgagee/assignee) Transmission (death-owner) | Transmission (bankruptcy-owner) Transmission (death-owner) |
Vessel Name Approval (extension) |
Large Vessel Services Provided
Based on (3rd party) and Canadian Register of Vessels (TC)
NOTE: Is there a difference between "transmission" and "transfer"?
Italicized entries mean I'm not sure if this belongs here.
Service | Description | Form(s) Required |
Change of address | Change the address of a vessel currently registered under Canadian Register of Vessels (not applicable to Pleasure Crafts??). | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
First time registration | Registration gives title to a vessel and proves legal ownership and may also be used for a loan. Registration ensures a unique name for the vessel in Canada and allows the vessel to fly the Canadian flag. | Form 4A (85-0405) / Form 4B (85-0470) if vessel is under 15m |
Transfer of ownership | Applies to vessels registered under the Canadian Register of Vessels (TC). This will transfer the vessel’s official number to a new owner. NOTE: This does not apply to pleasure crafts with licence numbers on the bow. Example licence format: 1X111111, 11X111111, or XX111111. | Form 6 (84-0015) (or anything that has the same info) |
Change vessel name/Port of registry | Allows the owner or authorized representative to change a vessel’s name or port of registry. | |
Alteration to vessel's current specs | Alterations must be reported the same way in which the vessel was first registers; if the vessel was registered by way of certificate of survey or marine safety inspector, the changes must be made by certificate of survey or marine safety inspector. You must contact a duly appointed tonnage measurer and they will complete the form. If the vessel was measured by the Simplified Method, a letter from you indicating changes as well as a signature of a marine safety inspector will be required. | If measured by survey, Form 4 If measured by Simplified Method, Form 4A (85-0405) or Form 4B (85-0470) only if vessel is under 15m. If measured by Assigned Formal Tonnage, owner must simply report changes in writing |
Issuance of a Deletion Certificate | A deletion will provide proof of closing of a vessel’s Canadian registry, free and clear of all encumbrances. This will also provide a “Deletion Certificate”. | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
Closing out | Cancelling the Registration of a vessel. This is done for a variety of reasons e.g. owner wants a Pleasure Craft License, vessel is being sold foreign, etc. | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
Mortgage of a vessel | Mortgage recorded against the vessel currently registered under the Canadian Register of Vessels. Mortgage cannot be recorded against the vessel unless it has a valid certificate of Registry. | |
Discharge of a Mortgage | ||
Builder's Mortgage | ||
Provisional Certificate of Registry | A Provisional Certificate of Registry form temporarily allows a registered owner to move a vessel while awaiting completion of the Certificate of Registration. It may also allow for the movement of a vessel to a foreign country in the event that a buyer lives outside of Canada and the vessel must to be transported to the new owner. | |
Transmission on death/bankruptcy | Transfer of vessel in the event of death or bankruptcy. | |
Historical Research (ODATA or GraphQL feed?) | Historical Research of a vessel provides information from the Ship Registration Computer System Database from 1984 to present, or from microfilm if the vessel was registered prior to 1984. NOTE: In order to search information on a registered or closed vessel, we require the Official Number and/or the Vessel Name. It is impossible to do a search without this information. Please be advised this is for registered vessels only, NOT vessels licensed under the Pleasure Craft Licensing system. | Payment Form 5 (84-0185) |
Bare Boat Charter | “Bare-boat Charter" means a vessel charter agreement under which the charterer has complete possession and control of the vessel, including the right to appoint its master and crew. This application must be completed and signed by the Bare-Boat Charterer who is also known as the Authorized Representative and must be qualified to bare-boat charter a vessel registered in Canada. Qualifications to own a vessel registered in Canada are set out in Section 2 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 under "Qualified person". The process for bare-boat charter registration must be similar in both countries – conditional/provisional registration is not permitted. | |
Registry of a government owned vessel | First registration of a government vessel for provincial or federal government only. | Payment Form 5 (84-0185) (for provincial gov only) |
Declaration for Marine Mortgage | If the mortgagee is unable to provide the mortgage deed which was endorsed by the Vessel Registration Office when the mortgage was registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels | Form 11 (84-0189) |
Appointment of Authorized Representative | Form 14 (84-0035) | |
Description of Vessel Under Construction in Canada |
Small Vessel Registry
Italicized entries mean I'm not sure if this belongs here.
Service | Description | Form(s) Required |
Change of address | Change the address of a vessel currently registered under Canadian Register of Vessels (not applicable to Pleasure Crafts??). | Done in writing (mail/email) by the owner/authorized representative |
First Time Registration | Registry is for small non-pleasure craft vessels 10 HP (7.5kw) or more. This also includes commercial river rafts. You must be registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels if your non-pleasure vessel weighs over 15 gross tons. Use Form 21 for fleet registration. | Form 4A (85-0405) OR Form 4B (85-0470) if vessel is under 15m Proof of Ownership |
Transfer of Ownership | Allows change/transfer of ownership. Use Form 21 for fleet registration. | |
Small Vessel Renewal | Renew Certificate of Registry. Use Form 21 for fleet registration. | |
First Registration of Government Owned Vessel | Same as First Time Registration but for government-owned vessel. | Payment Form 24 (84-0183) (provincial gov only) |
Transfer of Ownership – Government Owned Vessel | Same as Transfer but for government-owned vessel. | Payment Form 24 (84-0183) (provincial gov only) |
Renewal of Government Owned Vessel | Same as Renewal but for government-owned vessel. | Payment Form 24 (84-0183) (provincial gov only) |
Transmission on death/bankruptcy | Transfer of vessel in the event of death or bankruptcy. | |
Appointment of Authorized Representative | Form 14 (84-0035) | |
Registration of Commercial River Raft | ||
Transfer of Commercial River Raft | ||
Renewal of Commercial River Raft |
Supporting Forms (not services)
Transaction | Description | Form |
Statement of Qualification for Vessel Registration | This form is a declaration that the client is qualified to register a vessel in Canada. Owners of one or more vessels registered or to be registered in the Small Vessel Register are required to complete only 1 Statement of Qualification. | Form 3 (84-0002) |
Simplified Method of Tonnage Measurement | To be used for the tonnage measurement of monohull vessels of not more than 15 metres in Tonnage Measurement Length (TML), having not more than a single tier of deckhouses and/or superstructures whose total combined length does not exceed 70% of TML. | Form 4A (85-0405) |
Tonnage Measurement of a Simple Multihull Vessel | To be used for vessels of not more than 15 metres in Length Overall, consisting of a flat platform installed on two or more pontoon hulls and having no other spaces that could contribute to the volume of the vessel except the pontoons. | Form 4B (85-0470) |
Bill of Sale | This form is used as proof of ownership for First Registration and Transfers. The document is worded such that full transfer of ownership (including receipt of any relevant payment) is implicit. it is signed by the seller. | Form 6 (84-0015) |
Declaration | First Registry - Require that the client provide documentation showing the sequence of ownership from the builder to themselves. If they are unable to provide the full sequence, they can complete the declaration. Transfer of Ownership - Where the current owner of a vessel is unable to provide the required documents of title for the transfer of ownership of a small commercial vessel from the current registered owner(s) and to themselves. If they are unable to do so, they must complete a declaration. | Form 23 (84-0178) |
Builder's Certificate for First Title in Canada | This document is provided to show ownership of the person for whom a vessel is built. It is most commonly provided in the case of newly-built vessels but is accepted as part of ownership sequence for any first registration. | Form 2 (84-0040) |
Transaction List (large vs small vessel)
Large Vessel (SRCS) Transaction List | Small Vessel Register Transaction List |
Alteration (notice) Alteration (registry) | Alteration |
Appointment of Authorized Rep. | Appointment of Authorized Rep. |
Bareboat In (start) Bareboat In (extension) Bareboat In (end) | Bareboat In (start) Bareboat In (extension) Bareboat In (Eend) |
Bareboat Out (start) Bareboat Out (extension) Bareboat Out (end) | Bareboat Out (start) Bareboat Out (extension) Bareboat Out (end) |
Cancel Registry Certificate | Court Injunction |
Certificate of Registry Certificate of Registry (batch renewal) Certificate of Registry (renewal) Certificate of Registry (replacement) | Print Certificate of Registry |
Certified True Copy | |
Change of Address (authorized rep.) Change of Address (mortgagee/assignee) Change of Address (owner) | Change of Address (authorized rep.) Change of Address (owner) |
Change of Name (authorized rep.) Change of Name (mortgagee/assignee) Change of Name (owner) Change of Name (vessel) | Change of Name (authorized rep.) Change of Name (owner) |
Closing-Out (registry) | Closing-Out |
Court Injunction (new) Court Injunction (removal) | |
Deletion Certificate | Deletion Certificate |
First Registry | First Registry |
General text | |
Historical Research | Historical Research |
Mortgage/Assignment (discharge by state) Mortgage/Assignment (new) Mortgage/Assignment (transfer) Mortgage/Assignment (discharge by origin) | |
Official Number (pre-issuance) | |
PCR (new) PCR (replacement) | Provisional Certificate (new) Provisional Certificate (replacement) |
Print Suspension Certificate | |
Priority Agreement | |
Recording (bldrs mtg/assignment) Recording (vessel) | |
Reinstatement (registry) | Reinstatement (restore) |
Request Port Transfer Request Port Transfer (complete) | |
Re-registry | Re-registration |
Registry Renewal Renewal Certificate (print) | |
Special Sale | |
Suspension (registry) | Suspension Suspension (print) |
Transcript (certified) Transcript (uncertified) | Transcript |
Transfer In (register) | Transfer to LVR |
Transfer Out (register) | Transfer from LVR |
Transfer (ownership) | Transfer (ownership) |
Transmission (bankruptcy-mortgagee/assignee) Transmission (bankruptcy-owner) Transmission (death-mortgagee/assignee) Transmission (death-owner) | Transmission (bankruptcy-owner) Transmission (death-owner) |
Vessel Name Approval (extension) |
Pleasure Craft Licence (no fees)
NOTE: Pleasure Craft licensing is handled by a different group than small and large vessel.
Italicized entries mean I'm not sure if this belongs here.
Service | Description | Form(s) required |
New Licence | A pleasure craft licence provides a unique identification number - commonly referred to as the "licence number" - that must be displayed on recreational vessels. A licence or registration is mandatory for all pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more, including personal watercraft, which are principally maintained or operated in Canada. A licence does not provide proof of ownership. Separate ownership documents should be carried on the vessel at all times. | |
Transfer an existing licence | When a user buys a used boat, it is their responsibility to transfer the pleasure craft licence. | |
Obtain a duplicate licence | Obtain a duplicate licence. | |
Update of licence | This allows a pleasure craft owner to make changes to a vessel, such as change of address or modifications | |
Cancel a licence | Cancel a pleasure craft licence. | 84-0172; Cannot be done online |
Pleasure Craft Register
All Pleasure Craft Register information falls under LVR.
This section describes the printing and reporting capabilities of Small/Large Vessel Registry.
Transcripts of Vessel
The information in a non-certified transcript is for general information only. In the event that the information is required for legal or official purposes, a certified transcript should be obtained. A certified transcript is certified/verified by a Registrar that the information is true.
- Online transcript orders are not available for vessels in the Small Vessel Register
- Assignments are not permitted in the Small Vessel Register but mortgages are permitted
- A non-certified transcript does not reflect pending transactions that the Vessel Registration Office may have received but has not yet processed.
A Replacement Certificate form will replace a lost or mutilated Certificate of Registry. This is for vessels that have been previously registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels or the Small Vessel Register (commercial only)
Delete Certificate?
A deletion certificate is issued to show that the vessel's registration in Canada has been closed. This is usually required by foreign authorities to move forward with registration in another country. Anyone can request a Deletion Certificate of a vessel that is already closed.
Title | Creator | Modified | |
Vessel Registry | Justin Green | Oct 19, 2022 | |
Vessel Registry - Services Provided | Troy Bradley | Feb 20, 2020 |