Publishing LEIS using the DevOps pipeline.

Publishing LEIS using the DevOps pipeline.

The pipeline is configured to deploy to the development and acceptance environments.

Before proceeding with a build, create backups of the existing files in the following folders (replace dev for acc when doing an acceptance build).

       \\ncrws548\GACSwwwroot\securedev\leis-siel        \\ncrws548\GACSwwwroot\securedev\leisa-asiel        \\ncrws548\TPwwwroot\eigdev\leis-siel        \\ncrws548\TPwwwroot\eigdev\leisa-asiel        \\ncrws548\GACSwwwroot\securedev\leis.Business.Server.Installer\Release        \\ncrws548\GACSwwwroot\securedev\leis.Security.Server.Installer\Release        \\ncrws548\TPwwwroot\eigdev\leis.Business.Server.Installer\Release        \\ncrws548\TPwwwroot\eigdev\LEIS.Security.Server.Installer\Release

As an example, create a folder under Backup with the last build date as a name and paste the current files found at: \\ncrws548\GACSwwwroot\securedev\leis-siel.


Once the backup is done, manually delete the current files. Not the Backup folder!

Navigate to the LEIS DevOps project: Summary - Overview (azure.com)

Create a branch named DEV (or named ACC if this is an acceptance release) based on the development branch. The branch creation will trigger the pipeline and produce a build.


You can monitor the pipeline build progress in the Pipeline section in DevOps.


Once the server and web packages are ready, send an email to TC Web Tech Support Team.

To: webtechnicalsupport-soutientechniqueweb@tc.gc.ca

Sample email:


I prepared new msi installer files to be installed for our LEIS DEV deployment.

The files are placed in the staging folders below:

LEIS Business External (GARTDEV)


LEIS Business Internal (EIGDEV)


LEISA Security Internal (EIGDEV)


LEISA Security External (GARTDEV)

