HR and Policy

HR and Policy

Student Co-OP Questions


Ride Sharing

Dated : 2018-11-27

With the advent of ride sharing companies and the potential lower cost alternative they offer, we took a look at the process for reimbursing low cost, local transportation and decided simplification was in order.

When on approved travel for meetings or to perform other job functions, travellers can seek reimbursement for local transportation costs under $50 through iTravel without the creation of a Travel Authorization (TA). This exception can only be used when claiming costs for ride sharing companies (such as Uber or Lyft), taxis or other types of public transportation.

To claim the reimbursement of transportation costs, employees only have to enter an expense claim in iTravel using the justifications for missing a travel authority as “Local transportation costs under $50” (see print screen below) and attach the receipts.

In the coming months, the transportation types (TAs, Blanket TAs, etc.)  will be amended from taxi to taxi/ride sharing to further clarify how and where to report ride sharing expenditures accurately.

If you have any questions, please contact your local accounting office (RDIMS: 7750956)

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