Training / Formation

Training / Formation


Training Options


Additional Info

Training Options


Additional Info

Employee on-boarding Checklist for Managers and Supervisors



Canada School of Public Service (CSPS): Learning catalogue


Browse the School's full catalogue of courses, events, programs and other learning tools.



Learning covering multiple areas and topics

Supervisor Development Program (CSPS: Virtual Edition



Manager Development Program (CSPS): Virtual Edition



InStage: Special opportunity to improve your communication skills using virtual simulations!
Improve your public speaking and presentation skills with the help of realistic simulations and data-driven feedback that leverage artificial intelligence. The School has partnered with InStage to offer sessions that will help you sharpen your interview skills, deliver presentations, pitch your business ideas, and communicate effectively, using virtual simulations



InStage : Améliorez vos compétences en matière de prise de parole en public et de présentation à l'aide de simulations réalistes et d'un retour d'information basé sur des données qui exploitent l'intelligence artificielle. L'École s'est associée à InStage pour proposer des sessions qui vous aideront à affiner vos compétences en matière d'entretien, à faire des présentations, à présenter vos idées commerciales et à communiquer efficacement, à l'aide de simulations virtuelles.



Free MS Certification exams with our TC email address

Enterprise Skills Initiative: Welcome (microsoft.com)


Second Language Learning

Second Language Learning






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Second Language Learning
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