TC Design
Enable users to view date and time information in a way that reduces the amount of thinking and effort, and minimizes the chance for errors and frustration.
Display date and time data in a natural way when possible, as opposed to forcing users to use unfamiliar formats. Use short and long date formats consistently.
Where screen space permits, display dates that allow users to read the information in a natural way:
Wed. September 30, 2016
Dim. 30 septembre 2016
When screen space is limited, display date abbreviations in ISO format:
If time is necessary based on the context, then it’s to be added in the HH:MM with short form time zone appended to facilitate sorting and comparison:
Use when
Use short formats when screen space is limited or sorting is required, e.g. complex tables and input fields.
Use long formats when space permits, e.g. in sentences and page instructions.
In English, the day of the week and the month name are always capitalized.
Wed. September 28, 2016
User last logged in on Wed. September 28, 2016.
In French, the day of the week and the month name are only capitalized if they appear at the start of a statement.
Mecr. 28 septembre 2016
Septembre 2016
Dernière ouverture de session le merc. 28 septembre 2016.
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TC Design