TC Design
Business names/numbers
There are various ways in which a business can be identified, and not all identifiers are available for a given business. Legal name is typically required, but operating name and business number are optional since not all businesses have this information. Some businesses do not have operating names (such as a sole proprietorship), and business numbers aren’t required for all businesses depending on the type of business and revenue thresholds (such as businesses with sales under $30k). This can result in consistencies in how the business information is presented.
A business number may also be presented with or without the BN prefix, or with or without an accompanying tax account and type designation (example: BN 999999999 RP 9999, 999999999 RT 9999). As a result, when collecting the business number, it can be confusing as to which numbers to enter.
Based on the information available, the most recognizable and common means of identifying the business should be presented first. For advertising and signage, this is typically the operating name, so this should be used when available.
If the legal name, operating name, and business number are available, the business number may optionally be appended in brackets. Only the 9 digit number should be included (the account type designation RP/RC/RT and 5 digit account number should not be included) and prefixed with BN/NE to conform with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.
Acme Widgets - 9999999 Canada Inc. (BN 999999999)
Acme Widgets - 9999999 Canada Inc. (NE 999999999)
The business number is optional and useful when presented in the context of a list of businesses in order to distinguish similarly named businesses; otherwise, it can be omitted when displayed in the context of a single business.
If only the operating name and legal name is provided, the operating name is the most recognizable means of identifying the business and should be presented first, followed by a dash, and the legal name.
Acme Widgets - 9999999 Canada Inc.
In a legal context (such as on a certificate), the long form will indicate the legal name first with the operating name identified explicitly:
9999999 Canada Inc., operating as Acme Widgets
If the legal name and business number are available:
9999999 Canada Inc. (BN 999999999)
9999999 Canada Inc. (NE 999999999)
Data entry
Providing the BN suffix is a visual indication to users that this is not necessary to enter as part of the business number and allows for numeric masking to ensure a valid business number is entered.
The more information link refers users to the Canada Revenue Agency’s guidance on business numbers.
Use when
Displaying the name of a business
Collecting a business number from a business.
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TC Design